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Life of Pi Current Events Multimedia Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Life of Pi Current Events Multimedia Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life of Pi Current Events Multimedia Presentation

2 What is man’s responsibility to his environment, including the animal kingdom?  Pi takes on the responsibility of Richard Parker’s survival as part of his own survival.  What is your personal responsibility to the environment (Earth) where you live?  How is your responsibility easier when tackled as part of a community?

3 The presentation should- Demonstrate that the student understands the cooperative relationship among man, animals, and the environment. Clarify the pitfalls of human interaction with the environment. How man is harming the land, sea, and air. Or, are there any aspects where man is trying to reverse his negative impact? What if anything, is being done?

4 Multimedia Presentation Time 12-15 minutes (5 points will be deducted for every minute less than 12) Must include Animation (rolling text) Audio (sound effects, music – no distracting sounds; it takes away from your presentation) Background music is fine as long as it has a connection to the presentation Text Video ( no more than 3; no longer than 60 seconds each ) Graphics (photos, slides, charts – at least 2)

5 Outline Clarifies the points you want to make Title Introduction Logical Order What do you want your audience to know? Your presentation states the importance of the topic Body of Presentation History/Background Present Day Conclusion

6 Remember for a 10-15 minute presentation, there should be more than just two Roman numerals. The above is just an example of an outline format. 20 points (must turn in by Thursday, 4/17, 2014) Typed Copies Only

7 1. Facts Check your facts!!! All these topics are current events! None of your resources should be older than 2011. 2. Resources Should include educational (Edu.), government (Gov.),.com, and net. No more than TWO.Com; however, this does not include visual images or Youtube video links. Excluding pictures/videos must have at least SIX different resources. Make sure you clarify what is a picture and what is a resource. 3.Must document all your resources using APA format, typed 12 point Times New Roman and submitted with final presentation.

8 Introduction Captures audience’s attention – please don’t start your presentation with, “We did our presentation on...” Does it have an emotional appeal? Consider a question, anecdote, startling fact, or powerful quote Body Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How? Conclusion Leave the audience with a clear or startling visual image A point to ponder, a question, a call to action, etc.

9 All students must be ready to go by Thursday, April 24, 2014 Turn in a revised outline and a copy of Prezi or PowerPoint (Prezi – send email) Must have clear evidence that all students participated in all aspects of project including presentation – all students need to present day of presentation.

10 Make sure you have employed all forms of multimedia Video – audio – animation – text – charts – graphs, etc. 12 minutes meets assignment requirements 15 minutes exceeds assignment requirements Include a works cited page with final outline and on presentation; be sure to use correct APA format.



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