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Ch 6 Review Velocity Unit Circle Conversions (Radians and Degrees) Graphs of the 6 Trig Functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 6 Review Velocity Unit Circle Conversions (Radians and Degrees) Graphs of the 6 Trig Functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 6 Review Velocity Unit Circle Conversions (Radians and Degrees) Graphs of the 6 Trig Functions

2 Change 200⁰ to radians

3 Change to radians

4 Find the angular displacement in radians of 5 revolutions.

5 Find the angular velocity in radians per second of an object that spins at a rate of 50 revolutions in 12 minutes.

6 Find the linear velocity in inches per second of an object 2 feet from the center of an object that spins at a rate of 3.6 revolutions in 2 minutes.

7 Use your Unit Circle to find the following:

8 Write the equation of a sine functions with an amplitude of 4, period, phase shift -2π and vertical shift -1.

9 Review Assignment (due Friday) Book Problems: Page A36 6-1 #1-12 all (use Unit Circle for #9-12) 6-2 #1-8 all 6-3 #1-3 (use Unit Circle) 6-4 #1-7 odd 6-5 #1-7 odd 6-7 #1-3 all


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