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ENL Professional Development December 1, 2011. Objectives Content Objective: Participants will understand SIOP on a deeper level. Participants will make.

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Presentation on theme: "ENL Professional Development December 1, 2011. Objectives Content Objective: Participants will understand SIOP on a deeper level. Participants will make."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENL Professional Development December 1, 2011

2 Objectives Content Objective: Participants will understand SIOP on a deeper level. Participants will make connections between what they are currently doing with colleagues. Language Objective: Participants will discuss and write to understand best practices for English Learners. Essential Question: How do we take SIOP to the next level to best serve our English Learners?

3 Stand for …. Quick write with sentence starter: Today I am going to stand for because….include three reasons why specific to his/her identity Stand and Deliver Attribute discussion/data

4 Identity video Discussion in microlabs What did you notice in the video? Thinking about the student that you stood for, what do they bring to your classroom? Think about all they bring, including the assets. How does a student’s identity influence our instructional practices?

5 SIOP Review Code the checklist accordingly: A star on the line next to three of the indicators that you are doing well. You feel confident! A check on the line next to three of the indicators that seem a bit risky to you. You are in the yellow zone! A question mark on the line next to three of the indicators that are in the danger zone for you. You are in the red!

6 Find Your Match Find someone or multiple people who feel confident in the same SIOP component as you. For example: Background knowledge Find someone or multiple people who feel confident in the same risky SIOP component as you.

7 Your Assignment Choose one of the danger or risky areas, work together with others in your same zone. Set a goal to implement at least one idea from the book as well as other ways to grow professionally. Be ready to come back in January and share!

8 Practicing what we preach… We have modeled the following strategies/activities: Objectives – Lesson Preparation Quick write – Build background knowledge Stand for – Practice and Application Video – Building Background knowledge Microlabs – Interaction Coding the text – Strategies Find your match – Interaction Goals – Review and assessment

9 Reflection What are going to try in the next month? What worked for you tonight? What else do you need?

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