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Professional Development to Address the Needs of English Language Learners Andrea Honigsfeld, Ed.D. Molloy College.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development to Address the Needs of English Language Learners Andrea Honigsfeld, Ed.D. Molloy College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development to Address the Needs of English Language Learners Andrea Honigsfeld, Ed.D. Molloy College

2 2 What do teachers need to work effectively with ELLs? (Rojas, 2001) SLA Cross-cultural Understanding Scientifically based strategies

3 3 Understand childhood bilingualism, BICS vs. CALP Develop empathy toward the 21st century immigrant experience and build cross-cultural competence (Differentiate between the needs of immigrant children and children of immigrants) Design and implement common core-aligned, rigorous curriculum collaboratively (Mainstream and ESL Teachers) Utilize research-based instructional strategies (Questioning) Help ELLs get ready for high stakes tests while maintaining realistic expectations for all

4 4 Professional Development Model Multi-year, comprehensive approach Ongoing and sustained Team approach to PD The Molloy Team Provide initial training Facilitate collegial circles Help establish peer support and ongoing coaching


6 6 Sheltered Instruction Components I. Preparation II. Instruction: Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice/Application Lesson Delivery III. Review/Evaluation

7 7 The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Self-Assessment/Planning Checklist

8 Collaboration Instructional Non-Instructional Honigsfeld & Dove, 2010

9 Collaborative Activities Instructional: ( 1) joint planning, (2) curriculum mapping and alignment, (3) parallel teaching, (4) co-developing instructional materials, (5) collaborative assessment of student work, (6) co-teaching. Non-instructional: ( 1) joint professional development, (2) teacher research, (3) preparing for joint parent-teacher conferences and writing report cards, (4) planning, facilitating, or participating in other extracurricular activities.

10 Intervention Principles: TIDES of Learning (Cohan and Honigsfeld) Tiered Instruction Instructional Adaptations Differentiation Exploration Scaffolding





15 15 Standardized Test Preparation A = Accommodations (NYS) B = Best Practices in ESL/Bilingual Ed C = Collaboration among teachers D = Daily routine E = Expectations (Must be realistic, but rigorous)

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