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Personal Finance Bell Ringer What is career retention? What is career advancement? Agenda Bell Ringer Return Work Place Etiquette Grades Career Retention.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Finance Bell Ringer What is career retention? What is career advancement? Agenda Bell Ringer Return Work Place Etiquette Grades Career Retention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Finance Bell Ringer What is career retention? What is career advancement? Agenda Bell Ringer Return Work Place Etiquette Grades Career Retention and Advancement Presentation

2 Career Retention and Advancement

3 What is career retention? Keeping your job What is career advancement? Getting a promotion

4 Why learn about career retention and advancement? Stay employed Work your way up During the interview you were promoting yourself Now you will be evaluated Do you use your skills? Are you helping the business?

5 Attitude is Key!

6 Attitude Positive attitude makes work enjoyable Pleasant people make other people feel good

7 Think about a good experience you had at the mall, the movies, or a restaurant.

8 Positive Experience If the server approached you with a positive attitude, you felt that you would receive good service If the server listened to you, you probably had a successful transaction

9 Think about a bad experience you had at the mall, the movies, or at a restaurant.

10 Bad Experience If the employee was rude or ignored you, you probably felt defensive and angry The server could feel your hostility and got angrier too If there was any kind of problem to resolve, the server probably exhibited hostility towards you When you walked away you were probably angry, even if you got the result you desired

11 Approach Things Positively Relations with: Costumers Coworkers Supervisors Be satisfied with yourself and your performance Positive attitude will be reflected 80% of people who lose their jobs can’t get along will with other people

12 Work Habits Job satisfaction Prepared for work Meet deadlines Attention to detail Ability to work under pressure Reliable Hard working Responsible Team Player Punctual Knows job well Polite and respectful Good listener Keep employer informed Work diligently

13 Work Habits Continued Wear the proper clothing Don’t abuse your breaks Take on additional responsibilities Complete tasks Stay away from problem employees

14 Getting a promotion is like getting a starting position

15 Review Questions What are 3 positive attitudes that lead to career retention and advancement? What percent of people lose their jobs due to not getting along with others? What are 2 work habits that will help in career advancement?

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