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A.P. Book Report Tips and Reminders. Author & Publication Date Do an author or book search on-line. Check more than one site to verify accuracy. READ.

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Presentation on theme: "A.P. Book Report Tips and Reminders. Author & Publication Date Do an author or book search on-line. Check more than one site to verify accuracy. READ."— Presentation transcript:

1 A.P. Book Report Tips and Reminders

2 Author & Publication Date Do an author or book search on-line. Check more than one site to verify accuracy. READ about the author. READ about historical events of the time.

3 Characters Describe each using both physical traits and mental characteristics. Consider a notable quote. Include more details for major characters than minor ones.

4 Plot Summary Include SPECIFIC details. Aim for 300-500 words. Involve all of the characters from your list.

5 Settings Provide a PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION of the place. Include details of significant events occurring there.

6 Imagery Find examples of vivid word-pictures. Quote the text from the novel. Explain the significance of this description.

7 Symbols Find objects or people who represent a larger idea in the novel than themselves. A true symbol should appear more than once. Describe and justify.

8 Themes Describe the author’s message. Ask, “What is this REALLY ABOUT?” Explain how the author constructs/ achieves this message.

9 Significance of Title Ask yourself, “Why did the author choose this title?” Discuss what makes the title appropriate/ catchy/appealing. Analyze the author’s choice.

10 Other Literary Devices Use this section to include devices NOT ALREADY described. Great devices to include: foreshadowing, irony, foil pair, tone, dialogue/dialect (as these apply).

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