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 Industry means the manufacturing of goods in a factory  Industrial Revolution › Started Where? › When? › Series of improvements in industrial technology.

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2  Industry means the manufacturing of goods in a factory  Industrial Revolution › Started Where? › When? › Series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed process of manufactured goods › Changed the cottage industry system (domestic system)

3  Root of industrial revolution was technology, although also involved political, social, and economic advancements  Steam engine most important to development of factories (1769 by James Watt) › Industries impacted: Iron, Coal, Transportation, Textiles, Chemicals, Food Processing



6  Concentrated in 3 of 9 world regions discussed in CH. 9—Europe, North America, East Asia  Europe: › UK- 1 st country to enter industrial revolution, now home to more Japanese Co. than anywhere in Europe › Rhine-Ruhr Valley (Belgium, Netherlands, West Germany)- Iron and Steel manufacturing, Rotterdam is Europe’s largest port › Mid-Rhine (Germany and France)- 2 nd most important industrial area


8  North America › 1 st textile mill 1791 (Pawtucket, RI) › By 1860- U.S. second in Industry only to UK › New England- oldest industrial area › Mid Atlantic- Largest U.S market › Southern California- largest industrial area outside of North East, large pool of low wage workers from Latin America and Asia


10  East Asia: › Isolated from world markets for year, has now taken advantage of best natural resource—people › China and Japan rank 2 nd and 3 rd behind the U.S. in manufacturing value › Japan- industrial power by 1950s and 1960s, low wages helped country become world’s leading manufacturer of cars, ships, cameras, stereos, and TV’s—now produce high-quality goods vs. cheap low-cost goods

11  China: › World’s largest supply of low-cost labor, textiles, steel, house hold products › Communist Governments allowance of private enterprise transformed Chinese markets/manufacturing › Most Industry on East Coast › Led to large and increasing gap between “haves” and “have nots” › industry/global-trade/top-50-world- container-ports industry/global-trade/top-50-world- container-ports


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