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 Slave occupations _____________________ in plantation house _____________________ in plantation house _____________________ _____________________ Field.

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2  Slave occupations _____________________ in plantation house _____________________ in plantation house _____________________ _____________________ Field Hand Field Hand o Jobs  tend ______________________  cutting ____________________  picking ____________________ o ____________________ (white supervisors) when they wanted a slave to work harder could punish them wanted a slave to work harder could punish them  usually with a ________________made of  ______________________ Servant Stable Hand Black Smith tobacco sugar cane cotton Overseers lashing rawhide cowhide

3  Treatment of slaves _____________ worked _____________ worked o worked from sunup to sundown o about a __________ minute break for lunch o ___________________at night if it was a full moon. Even young ___________________helped with chores Even young ___________________helped with chores o If they did their task incorrectly they would be punished by the overseer punished by the overseer _______________________(these varied from plantation _______________________(these varied from plantation to plantation) to plantation) o food o clothing o a place to live Hours 15 Worked children Provisions

4  ____________________________ Laws passed to control enslaved people; denied slave Laws passed to control enslaved people; denied slave basic _____________________________ basic _____________________________ o could not testify against a white o had no standing in a court of law (court did not have to recognized them) to recognized them) o could not own _____________________ o strike (hit) a white person even in ______________________ ______________________ o could not leave the plantation without permission o could not own ____________________ o could not hire themselves out o buy or sell goods o could not _________________ without a white person present present o could not learn to _______________ or ___________________ ___________________ read write assemble guns self-defense property human rights Slave Codes

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