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Welcome to Northside FEBRUARY 19, 2013 Global Studies Pathway/AC Informational Night.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Northside FEBRUARY 19, 2013 Global Studies Pathway/AC Informational Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Northside FEBRUARY 19, 2013 Global Studies Pathway/AC Informational Night

2 Agenda Global Studies Pathway Information/Application Academic Challenge Program Information/Selection Questions and Tours

3 What is Global Studies Pathway? Focuses on students as global citizens Teaches core content from a global perspective Provides the opportunity to take a foreign language in middle school Provides service learning experiences Provides blocked schedule which allows for cross curricular instruction Utilizes various teaching strategies to engage students

4 Classes and Schedule Each student takes six core classes and two electives that are 45 minutes in length The core classes are Literature 7Writing and Literacy 7 Social StudiesScience MathForeign Language Students in GSP have the same opportunity to take electives as any other student

5 Benefits of Two Language Arts Classes Literature 7 & Writing and Literacy 7 All subject state standards have an emphasis on literacy More time is spent on difficult skills There is deeper exploration of each skill Skills covered are important in career success Allows time for developing language arts skills in other content areas through blocking

6 Literature and Social Studies Blocking

7 Math Choices Math 7 – For students that are at grade level Pre-Algebra – For students that are ready for an accelerated class that compacts 7 th and 8 th grade standards Algebra I – For high school credit. Students must pass the End of Course Assessment (ECA) to graduate from high school

8 Math at Northside Twenty-two (22) AC students chose Algebra I this year All Northside 7 th grade Algebra I students pass the ECA every year Students must take four years of math in high school

9 Math Counts Regional Winner

10 Foreign Language Students take Spanish or French for high school credit Students have foreign language instead of Resource (study hall) Students may take band or choir and a foreign language Students can take “2 and 2” or at least 3 years of the same language (for Honor’s diploma)

11 AC Component All Academic Challenge students are on the Global Studies Pathway team. If you are in AC, then you are automatically on GSP This year, three out of the six sections are AC The other three sections of GSP are non-AC

12 Homework One concern of all 7 th grade parents is homework. Please refer to the homework handout as an example of a typical evening. Help is available before school at 7:25 if needed.

13 Blocked Schedule Literature 7/Social Studies Writing and Literacy 7/Foreign Language Math/Science

14 Typical 7 th Grade Schedule Student #1 1 st – Math 2 nd – Science 3 rd – Elective 4 th – Exploratory 5 th – Lunch 6 th – Foreign Language 7 th – Writing and Literacy 7 8 th – Social Studies 9 th - Literature 7 Student #2 1 st – Science 2 nd – Math 3 rd – Exploratory 4 th – Exploratory 5 th - Lunch 6 th – Writing and Literacy 7 7 th – Foreign Language 8 th – Literature 7 9 th - Social Studies

15 Elective/Exploratory Classes Year/Semester Classes Band Choir Quarter Classes Health (2) PE (2) Art FACS ITE Keyboarding General Music

16 Blocked Schedule Advantages Allows flexibility in scheduling Science labs Socratic Seminar Simulations Service learning Research time Team teaching

17 Instructional Strategies Socratic Seminar Problem-Based Learning Project-Based Learning Journaling Universal Design for Learning Simulations Cooperative Learning Prezi

18 Simulation Example


20 7 th grade students read with 2 nd and 3 rd graders at Schmitt Elementary Individual projects are completed in 8 th grade focusing on an area of interest Students participated in CANstruction project to collect canned goods for donation to Love Chapel Students volunteer with the Ethnic Expo Passport program (unless during Fall Break) Service Learning Component a small sampling…

21 Reading Buddies at Schmidt

22 CANstruction Project

23 Service Learning in the Courtyard

24 English as a New Language Spanish-speaking students will take Spanish - they will have their ENL class during Writing and Literacy or Literature Other ENL students will have their ENL class during foreign language time - they will not be expected to be tri-lingual Level 5 ENL students may choose to take Spanish

25 Biology I Open to current 8 th grade AC students Mrs. Lanam is the teacher It is for high school credit 93% passed the ECA in spring 2011. 96% passed the ECA in spring 2012

26 Who is eligible? Students may come from NMS or Central districts Transportation is provided if you are in GSP Can be AC, regular education or ESL This is a very popular pathway

27 Recognition for GSP Students In 2012, nine out of Columbus North High School’s Top Ten students were former Tyros/Titans Three former Titan students won the World Food Prize Global Youth Institute competition (2011 and 2012) College scholarship application was submitted for an 8 th grade student last year

28 Application We are only accepting ONLINE applications Application can be found on the Northside home page Applications are due by March 15, 2013


30 Is my child a self-motivated learner? Did my child pass the LA portion of the ISTEP? Did my child earn an “A” or “B” in English and Reading throughout their 6 th grade year? Does my child have the maturity to handle a high school level class without Resource? Does my child manage his/her time wisely and have effective study skills? Is Global Studies Pathway a good fit for my child?

31 GSP Selection Process Applications due March 15. Anyone interested should apply (AC and non-AC) ONLINE. AC selection is on February 25. GSP lottery for non-AC students will be after the AC appeals are complete. Letters sent out to parents will indicate selection or wait list. This information will not be provided over the phone. 150 total students will be on each GSP team. If you are in Central’s district, please fill out a transfer form.

32 Questions/Tours Questions about Global Studies can be directed to Amy Dixon or Brett Findley They will be available after the meeting or you can reach them by phone or email Tours will be given at the conclusion of the AC portion of this meeting Tours will also be offered on Open House night, April 2, 2013

33 Welcome to Northside FEBRUARY 19, 2013 Academic Challenge Program (AC)

34 Program Overview The Academic Challenge Program (AC) is a two-year program This program is for high ability students. The state defines high ability as one who: Performs at, or shows the potential for performing at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one (1) domain when compared to other students of the same age, experience, or environment; and (2) is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, motivation, or interests.

35 Program Overview AC students are part of the Global Studies Pathway Students selected for the program are enrolled in all five AC courses AC Literature AC Writing and Literacy AC Math (pre-algebra) AC Geography 7 AC Science 7 AC students also take a foreign language The curriculum focuses upon the Indiana Academic Standards level with an emphasis on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

36 Selection Process Mrs. Allie Tyler Gifted & Talented Coordinator Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation

37 Selection Criteria Information will be gathered through the measures listed below: u Cognitive Abilities Test – Cognitive Abilities and Critical Thinking u Iowa Test of Basic Skills – Verbal Score u Iowa Test of Basic Skills – Quantitative Score u STAR reading levels The CogAT and ITBS are given to all sixth graders at their home school in October/November.

38 Student Portfolio A portfolio for each student being evaluated will also be assembled. The portfolio will include: BCSC Spring Writing Prompt BCSC Teacher Rating Scale  STAR reading level CogAT and ITBS test scores

39 Selection Criteria Scores from the CogAT and ITBS, along with the writing prompt, rating scale, and STAR score, allow the BCSC Middle School Selection Committee to determine appropriate placement. The measures that are used give the committee a complete picture of the student’s ability as it relates to the goals and practices of the Academic Challenge Program.

40 Language Arts Mr. Rick Weinheimer Language Arts Department Chairperson Ms. Crystal Riddle Mrs. Anna Alexander Tyro Team Language Arts Teachers

41 Social Studies Mrs. Libby Arthur Social Studies Department Chair Miss Julie Schneider Tyro Team Teacher Social Studies

42 Science Mrs. Denise Briner Science Department Chair Mr. Richard Johnson Tyro Team Science Teacher

43 Mathematics Mr. Dale Nowlin Mathematics Department Chair Mr. Mark Miller Tyro Team Mathematics Teacher


45 Foreign Language Mrs. Kathleen Peterson Tyro Team Spanish Teacher Mrs. Karen Bray Titan Team French Teacher

46 Questions/Tours Further Questions?  See Mrs. Dixon tonight with questions  Email Amy Dixon or Brett Findley  Call Amy Dixon or Brett Findley at 376-4403 Tours are offered tonight. Your tour guide is the teacher highlighted on your handout. **If you can’t stay for a tour, tours will also be offered on Open House night, Tuesday, April 2 at 6:30pm.

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