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Bell Work for Quarter I … listed in reverse order.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work for Quarter I … listed in reverse order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work for Quarter I … listed in reverse order

2 Essential Question(s) September 25, 2013 How do we use vertical asymptotes, horizontal asymptotes, and holes in the graph to sketch the graph of a function?

3 Vol. I No. 14B September 25, 2013

4 Essential Question(s) September 24, 2013 How do we use vertical asymptotes, horizontal asymptotes, and holes in the graph to sketch the graph of a function?

5 Vol. I No. 14B September 24, 2013 Make a sketch of each function without a calculator

6 Vol. I No. 14B September 24, 2013




10 Make a sketch of each function with a calculator Identify: a) VA b) HA c) hole(s)

11 Vol. I No. 14B September 24, 2013

12 VA: HA: hole(s):

13 Vol. I No. 14B September 24, 2013

14 VA: HA: hole(s):

15 Vol. I No. 14H Section 1.5 (Infinite Limits) Page 88: 1, 3, 7, 15, 19, 28, 33, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 61, 64, 68 15

16 Vol. I No. 15H Section 3.5 (Limits at Infinity) Page 205: 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 43, 57, 62, 63, 64, 71 16

17 Essential Question(s) How do we find vertical asymptotes? How do we find horizontal asymptotes?

18 Vol. I No. 13B September 23, 2013

19 As x approaches infinity Limits at Infinity

20 September 23, 2013



23 As x approaches c

24 September 23, 2013






30 September 19, 2013

31 As x approaches infinity

32 September 19, 2013



35 As x approaches c

36 September 19, 2013








44 Need to Know for Test Find limit as x approaches a value Find left limit Find right limit Find points of discontinuity Find Vertical Asymptotes Find Horizontal Asymptotes Find when a function is continuous Function Analysis

45 Sketch the graph of a function Discuss a function without a graph Discuss a function with a graph Squeeze Theorem Special Limits Identify types of discontinuities – From graph – From equation Do calculations from graph

46 Difference between DNE and Need to Know for Test

47 Work Vol. I No. 12H Page 88: 37 – 47 (odd)

48 Vol. I No. 11B September 18, 2013



51 The Squeeze Theorem

52 This theorem concerns the limit of a function that is squeezed between two other functions, each of which has the same limit at a given x-value, as shown in Figure 1.21 The Squeeze Theorem

53 Figure 1.21

54 Squeeze Theorem is also called the Sandwich Theorem or the Pinching Theorem. The Squeeze Theorem


56 Find


58 Vol. I No. 11H Page 67: 27-35 (odd); 49 – 63 (odd); 65 – 75 (odd)

59 At what point(s) is NOT continuous? Vol. I No. 10B September 17, 2013


61 Which condition fails?



64 Continuity (AB) 1 At what point(s) is g(x) NOT continuous?

65 Continuity (AB) 2 At what point(s) is NOT continuous?

66 Continuous at x = 1 Not Continuous at x = 1 Not Continuous at x = 1 Continuous at x = 1

67 Vol. I No. 9H Page 78:3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 33, 39, 43, 47, 49, 51, 53, 63, 65, 67, 75, 98

68 Vol. I No. 9B Find the limit

69 EQ September 16, 2013 How do you show that a function is continuous at a point?

70 Vol. I No. 9 (Notes) September 16, 2013

71 What is Continuity at a Point? This function is continuous for all values of x

72 Continuous or Not? This function is continuous for all values of x except at x=2

73 Continuous or Not? This function is continuous for all values of x except for x = -2

74 Continuous or NOT? This function is continuous for all values of x except for x = 1

75 Definition of Continuity A function is continuous at if all of the following conditions are true:

76 At what point(s) is NOT continuous? Vol. I No. 10B


78 Which condition fails?



81 Continuity (AB) 1 At what point(s) is g(x) NOT continuous?

82 Continuity (AB) 2 At what point(s) is NOT continuous?

83 Vol. I No. 9H Page 78:3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 33, 39, 43, 47, 49, 51, 53, 63, 65, 67, 75, 98

84 EQ: How do we score an AP-Style Problem? September 13, 2013 Vol. I No. 8( )







91 (a)+1 (b)+4 (c)+4 9

92 Vol. I No. 8 ( ) Page AP1 (after p. 94): 1 – 10 Work as a team of 2, 3, or 4

93 EQ September 9, 2013 How do you find the limit … … Graphically? … Numerically? … Analytically? … Verbally?

94 Vol. I No. 7B Evaluate Graphically, Numerically, Analytically, Verbally

95 EQ September 5-6, 2013 How do you find the limit at a given point … … Graphically? … Numerically? … Analytically? … Verbally?

96 Evaluate Graphically

97 Evaluate Numerically

98 Evaluate Analytically

99 EQ September 4, 2013 What is a limit and how do we find it?

100 Evaluate

101 EQ September 3, 2013 How do we describe the behavior of functions?

102 Vol. I No. 4G (AB) August 29, 2013 Complete discussion criteria 1 – 13 and 20 for the function. Note: Bring Calculus Book Tomorrow … and every day this week

103 Vol. I No. 3G (AB) (August 28, 2013) Make a careful graph of the graph of the following function on your paper. Complete discussion criteria 1 – 13 and 20 for the function. Note: Bring Calculus Book Tomorrow … and every day this week

104 Vol. I No. 4G (BC) (August 28, 2013 ) Make a careful graph of the graph of the following function on your paper. Complete discussion criteria 1 – 13 and 20 for the function. Note: Bring Calculus Book Tomorrow … and every day this week

105 Vol. I No. 2G (August 27, 2013 ) Make a careful graph of the graph of the following function on your paper. Complete the discussion criteria for each function. Note: Bring Calculus Book Tomorrow … and every day this week

106 Vol. I No. 1G (August 26, 2013 ) Make a careful graph of each of the following functions on the paper provided.

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