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15.2.  Export from India  Profound effect on SE Asia  Powerful neighbors  China  India.

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1 15.2

2  Export from India  Profound effect on SE Asia  Powerful neighbors  China  India

3  Mainland SE Asia  Many peninsulas  Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, part of Malaysia  Island SE Asia  20,000 islands  Indian Ocean and S China Sea  Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Philippines

4  Separated from Asia by mtns  Traders and invaders did push overland  4 river valleys  Irrawaddy  Chao Phraya  Mekong  Red  Islands: strategic importance  Malacca and Sunda straits  Command of these straits controls rich trade routes

5  Monsoons (seasonal winds) shaped trade patterns  Ships travelled  NE in Summer  SE in Winter  Between seasons: harbored ships in SE Asian ports  International trade network linked India, SE Asia, China, to East Africa and Middle East  Key products: spices  Most to East Asia, Middle East, East Africa

6  Civilization here began 5,000 years ago  Own religious patterns and cultures  Nuclear family  Women: greater equality  Spice traders  Rulers of cities  Choose or divorce partners  Matrilineal descent: inheritance through the mother

7  Spread culture  Theravada beliefs introduced  Writing, law, govt, art, architecture, farming  Settled port cities  Presents to local rulers  Married into influential families  Exchanged cottons, jewels, perfume for raw materials, timber, spies, gold  Peak around 500-1000

8  Hinduism and Buddhism already in SE Asia  Indians carried Islam into region  1200s  Trades spread beliefs throughout islands of Indonesia and Philippines  Arab merchants  Growth of Islam contributed to stable trade network

9  Pagan  Irrawaddy Valley  Rice paddies  King Anawrata  Brought Buddhism to Burman people  Stupas: dome-shaped shrines  Fell in 1287 to conquering Mongols

10  Khmer Empire  Peak between 800-1350  Present day rulers control Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia  Pious Hindus  Leaders saw themselves as god-kings  Ordinary people preferred Buddhism  King Suryavarman II built temple complex at Angkor Wat  Ruins survived to today  Among most impressive in world  Hundreds of carved figures

11  Srivijaya  Trading empire  600-1200  Controlled Strait of Malacca  Hinduism and Buddhism  Other islands: people blended beliefs of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam to create local gods  Islam spread to Sumatra, Java

12  Indian influence outweighed Chinese  Spread through trade  China conquered Annam (N Vietnam)  Heart of N Vietnam: Red River delta  Fertile rice paddies  Provided food

13  111 BC: Han armies conquered region  Controlled for 1000 years  Spread:  Confucian ideas  Chinese civil service system  Built government bureaucracy similar to China’s  Learned to write/speak Chinese  Adopted Mahayana Buddhism beliefs from China  Daoism

14  39 AD: briefly drove Chinese out  Remembered as martyrs and heroes  939 Vietnam broke free  Remained tributary state of China

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