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Piano= Soft Forte=Loud Fortissimo= Very Loud Pianissimo= Very Soft Mezzoforte = Medium Loud Mezzopiano = Medium Soft Crescendo (cresc.) Means to get louder.

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2 Piano= Soft Forte=Loud Fortissimo= Very Loud Pianissimo= Very Soft Mezzoforte = Medium Loud Mezzopiano = Medium Soft Crescendo (cresc.) Means to get louder Diminuendo (dim) means to getsofter

3 Grave = Extremely Slow Largo = Very Slow Adagio = Slow Moderato = Moderate Speed Andante = Walking Speed Allegro = Fast and joyful Vivo / Vivace = Very Fast Accelerando means to get faster Ritardando means to get slower

4 = Four beats in = Two beats in = Three beats in The “dot of prolongation adds half of the note value to the primary note = one beat in = half a beat in =

5 Counted One-e-and-a Counted One-and-a Counted One-e-and Counted One-e-a Counted One-a Counted One-e

6 Triplet = 3 notes in one beat in Quintuplet = 5 notes in one beat in Septuplet = 7 notes in one beat in

7 Multiple measure rest (15) Quarter rest = 1 beat Half rest = 2 beats Whole rest = 4 beats Eighth rest = ½ beat 16 rest = ¼ beat

8 The Entertainer – Ragtime music features many accented offbeats.

9 4 beats per measure a quarter note gets one beat Common time = 4/4 Three beats per measure a quarter notes gets a beat A Waltz is in ¾ time Five beats per measure a quarter note gets a beat Cut time means there are two beats per measure and a half note gets a beat Marches are often in cut time

10 6 beats per measure an eighth note gets a beat

11 D.S. – Dal Segno = back to the sign D.C. – Da Capo = back to the beginning Segno, or Italian for sign Coda – an added ending on a piece of musicRepeat sign Accent – emphasize this note Fermata – hold this note until the conductor cuts you off Caesura – a complete stop in a piece of music

12 A flat lowers a note a half step A natural means to play the Regular note, it gets rid of A sharp or a flat A sharp raises a note a half step Staccato notes are played short and detatched Ex.

13 Tutti – everyone plays Unison – many instruments playing the same notes Enharmonic – two different names for the same note Interval – the distance between two notes Half step – the distance from a note to it’s “sharp” (Ex. C to C#). Whole step – two half steps Ostinato – a repeated musical passage Ledger lines – notes played outside the staff Chromatic Scale – a scale with all half steps Ritardando – slowing down Simile – play the notes the same as before Sforzando – a type of harsh accent Scale – an ascending series of seven notes in the pattern WWHWWWH

14 Db = ? A# = ? G# = ? Gb = ? Bb = ? F# = ?

15 Key of _____

16 1.Once a note is flat or sharp in a measure it stays flat or sharp. 2.A natural will cancel out a previous flat or sharp in a measure. 3.The bar line cancels out any sharps or flats from the previous measure. What is the name of the last note?

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