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College Prep 101 College It’s not a dream. It’s a plan.

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2 College Prep 101 College It’s not a dream. It’s a plan.

3 Senior ECAP Day 1  University/College requirements  Cost of College  Start a college application Day Two  Scholarship process tips and advice  Learn how to apply for financial aid and create a PIN  Search and apply for scholarships

4 Graduation/ADMISSION Requirements SubjectsGraduation Requirements Community College University Requirements English444 Math4 (one year upper level) 44 (Alg1-2, Geometry, Alg 3-4, Advanced Level) Science333 (Chem-Physics, Bio, Advanced Level) Social Studies332 Fine Art/CTE221 (FA) PE/Health1/.5 0 Foreign Language 002 (same lang.) Electives5.5 0 TOTAL23 16

5 AIMS You MUST pass AIMS Writing, Reading and Mathematics to graduate from high school You MUST pass AIMS Writing, Reading and Mathematics to graduate from high school –Must test every time (FIVE opportunities) –Must participate in remediation (Reading Strategies or Applied Math classes) You may take ACT or SAT for reciprocity You may take ACT or SAT for reciprocity 420 or higher on SAT/16 or higher on ACT Must test every time

6 Degree vs. No Degree Average lifetime earnings for a college graduate is over $1 million higher than for someone with a high school diploma.

7 Type of Degrees Associates – 2yrs. (community college) Bachelors – 4yrs. (university) Masters – 2 yrs. (university) Doctorates – varies (university)

8 Level of EducationAverage earnings Less than high school diploma$27,800 High school graduate$39,700 Some college, no degree$45,600 Associate degree$47,300 Bachelor’s degree$68,200 Master’s degree$81,500 Doctoral$99,900 Professional degree$106,800 Education Pays

9 One of the following: –Top 25% in class rank –3.0 un-weighted GPA in core competencies –SAT 1040 –ACT 22 In State College Admission Requirements Core Competencies: 4yrs. English 4yrs. Math – algebra, geometry, algebra 3-4, + 1 yr. beyond alg. 3-4 3yrs. Lab Science 2yrs. Social Science 2yrs. Foreign Language – same lang. 1yr. Fine Art Admission may be granted with one deficiency in no more than two competency areas; deficiencies in both math and science are not acceptable Admissions decisions for students that don’t meet the stated requirements are made on a case by case basis at each university.

10 Tuition, Fees and Other Costs In-State University $442 per credit hour Tuition $9,724 -Books $900-$1,300 Dorms- $5,000 to $7,000 Community College $76 per credit hour Tuition $1,824 Books $900-$1,300

11 Out of State Tuition Per Year Pepperdine $36,650 Stanford $36,360 UCLA $29,682 Harvard $35,568 University of Colorado $14,000 Notre Dame $53,240

12 Western Undergraduate Exchange Program Alaska Arizona California Colorado Hawaii Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Oregon South Dakota Utah Washington Wyoming

13 WUE Hawai’I State Resident $8,664 WUE $13,096 Non-Hawai’i Resident $24,912

14 Other Postsecondary Sectors Collins College 18 months Visual Comm. $30,450 ITT Technical Institute 48 months Game Design $62,460 Arizona Automotive Institute 10 months Automotive $13,895 Carsten Institute 1600 hrs Cosmetology $12,700

15  Know the minimum requirements  check the web sites and college handbooks  look for minimum course requirements  look for average SAT/ACT scores  Apply Early  If you need counselor recommendation, give us TWO weeks  Know the scholarship application deadlines for each school  Make sure your application is complete with transcripts, application and test scores College Entrance and Applications

16 Common Application  Students use one application to apply to over 450 institutions across the country  Only trigger the counselor and teacher recs. If you are certain you will apply!! Please submit accurate counselor name Lang (A-B)Martinez (O-T) Ramirez (C-H)Cuevas (U-Z) and Gifted Talavera (I-N)

17 AZ University Admission and Registration Process - 2 Steps Complete Admission Application –Starting in August/September (, or –Send SAT or ACT Scores and Official Transcripts for high school and community college –Application fee $50.00 Attend Freshman Orientation to register for College Classes - ASU mid-march -U of A June -NAU mid-march

18 Community College Admission Process – 3 easy steps Complete Admission Form – Take the ASSET test at your institution (no SAT or ACT required) Make an appointment with an academic advisor at your institution.

19 Send scores to all the schools you are interested. Check with out-of-state schools that may require SAT II on-line registration check registration deadlines SAT/ ACT

20 SAT/ACT Test Preparation Friday, Sept. 21 st PSAT/SAT Seminar at Marcos (8 am to 2:30 pm) Cost $89 Register at or

21 ACTSAT Register at Sept. 8 Oct. 27 Dec. 8 February 9 April 13 June 8 Register at October 6 November 3 December 1 January 26 March 9 May 4 June 1

22 Official Transcript Go to to request an official There is a $2.50 surcharge per transcript after the first five requests. does not send SAT/ACT scores. Go to the Guidance Office for an unofficial transcript

23 COLLEGE VISITS  Many colleges visit the MdN campus.  In-state schools visit quarterly  Out-of-state schools visit throughout the year.  Students must sign-up in the counseling office or LRTC  Visits listed on calendar found on MdN Guidance website

24 In-State College Night –September 24, 2012 –6:30 PM - 8:30 PM –Mountain Pointe Auditorium

25 Greater Phoenix National College Fair –Phoenix Convention Center at North Hall A-B Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012 11:00 AM-3:00 PM Out-of-State College Information

26 Date: Saturday, September 22, 2012 Time: 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Location: Marcos de Niza High School Main Cafeteria & Auditorium Presenter(s): Natalie Ehmka, Therese Schmisseur, ASU Access & Reps from MCCCD, ASU, U of A, NAU and other outreach programs “MAPS: Mapping A Plan for Success-College Prep Workshops”

27 Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Time: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Location: Desert Vista High School Main Auditorium Refreshments served at 6:00 p.m. “The Art & Science of Paying for College #1”

28 Student/Athletes – NCAA Clearinghouse Make an appointment with Mr. Miller to start the NCAA Clearing House process. To participate in college athletics, students must meet NCAA eligibility requirements.

29 What is a Credit? 1 credit = 1 hour in class per week 12 credits = full-time student 6 credits = part-time Most college classes are 3 credits

30 Typical College Schedule MonTueWedThurFri Eng 101 8:40 to 9:30 AM Eng 101 8:40 to 9:30 AM Eng 101 8:40 to 9:30 AM Psy 101 9:40 to 10:30 AM MAT 106 9:00 to 10:15 AM Psy 101 9:40 to 10:30 AM MAT 106 9:00 to 10:15 Psy 101 9:40 to 10:30 AM HIS 103 10:30 to 11:45 AM HIS 103 10:30 to 11:45 AM

31 Login to the computer Login: S followed by your Synergy Student Number –Example: S16300123 Password: Pwd followed by your birthday (MMDDYYYY) (note the capital P as well). –Example: Katniss Everdeen has a birthday of May 8, 1996 has a default password of Pwd05081996 You will be required to change your initial password on first login to the system.

32 ECAP: Education Career Action Plan Log onto –Username: first initial, middle initial, last name, day of birth (Example: Katniss B. Everdeen born May 8, 1996: kbeverdeen8 ) –Password: student ID #

33 College Entrance Information Click on My Portfolio

34 Click on My ECAP

35 Type in your assigned counselor’s name A-B Mrs. Lang C-H Ms. Ramirez I-N Ms. Talavera O-T Mrs. Martinez U-Z Mrs. Cuevas – Gifted Counselor

36 Add the # of applications you will complete this year

37 Add tomorrow’s date to FAFSA Submitted (08/28/2012)

38 Add today’s date Write College Applications in Area Needing Improvement Write goal in Improvement Plan

39 Add Personal Goals

40 Scroll down and click Save

41 Completing a College Application Click on Home

42 Click on Career Planning Timeline

43 Scroll down to 12 th Grade Tasks Click on task #2

44 Click on a Favorite School OR Click on School Search

45 Click on the Admission’s link *Click on the next to your desired schools

46 If there is not an admissions link, click on the school website *Click on the next to your desired schools

47 Click Continue

48 Find Freshman Admissions Information

49 Apply!

50 Find Freshman Admissions Information

51 Apply! *If you have (or had) a Dual Enrollment course, you have an MEID #


53 Need for Day 2 Social security number to create a PIN for the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Your mailing address (including zip code)

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