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Acknowledging and Honoring Quality Performance.  The purpose of the EAS process is to provide teachers with the opportunity to reflect on professional.

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Presentation on theme: "Acknowledging and Honoring Quality Performance.  The purpose of the EAS process is to provide teachers with the opportunity to reflect on professional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acknowledging and Honoring Quality Performance

2  The purpose of the EAS process is to provide teachers with the opportunity to reflect on professional practice that increases student achievement as well as evaluation.  Teachers having ongoing, reflective conversations with administrators is the key to improved practice and effectiveness.

3  Provisional Educator  An educator new to the profession with less than 3 years experience in DSD, or  An educator with prior experience but less than 3 consecutive, full-contract years in DSD  Career Educator  A tenured educator who has 3 or more consecutive years of successful teaching in Davis School District

4  Career Educators year cycle  Provisional Educators year cycle

5  Goal Setting  Interaction with administrators  Two formal observations and follow-up conferences (required for provisional educators)  Working administrator form  Informal classroom visits (all educators)  Educator Data Sources  Administrator Evaluation Report

6  Years 1 & 2  Administrator report  2 required formal classroom observations and conferences  Informal classroom visits  Professional goals and activities  2 data source reports ▪ Evidence of student achievement (required) ▪ 1 additional data source of educator’s choice

7  Year 3  Administrator report  2 required formal classroom observations and conferences  Informal classroom visits  Professional goals and activities  3 data source reports ▪ Evidence of student achievement (required) ▪ Professional reflective portfolio (required for EYE teachers only) ▪ Additional data sources of educator’s choice (1 additional for EYE teachers; 2 additional for all others)

8  Years 1, 2, & 3  Administrator report  Optional formal classroom observations and conferences  Informal classroom visits  Professional goals and activities  1 data source report of educator’s choice

9  Year 4  Administrator report  Optional formal classroom observations and conferences  Informal classroom visits  Professional goals and activities  3 data source reports ▪ Evidence of student achievement (required) ▪ 2 additional data sources of educator’s choice

10  Evidence of student achievement  required for provisional educators annually  required for career educators, year 4  Documentation of professional development  Parent and/or student survey results  Evidence unique to the educator

11  Educator requested formal classroom observations (career educators only)  Teacher proficiency tests  GRE  Praxis II: Subject area  Praxis II: Principles of Learning and Teaching  National Board Certification  Action Research  Collaborative Investigation

12  DSD Homepage  Departments  Research & Assessment  Educator Assessment System (left hand side)  Data Source Forms

13  Well Functioning A “W” indicates an educator is well functioning in that component of professional practice.

14  Needs Attention  An “N” can be given at any time during the year when the administrator believes that a component of the educator’s performance needs attention  An “N” requires a plan for improvement and a time line  An “N” on the Working Administrator Form can be corrected during the year and changed to a “W” on the Administrator Evaluation Report

15  Unsatisfactory A “U” given at any time during the year requires Performance Assistance as described in the Performance Improvement Section of the EAS Manual


17  Goals and activities set from the beginning of the year are reviewed and progress discussed  Educator Data Sources are shared with administrator  Notable Performance may be shared  Administrator Evaluation Report is shared and signed

18 Questions or Concerns Suzanne Cottrell EAS Coordinator 801-402-5173

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