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ACCESS Distance Learning providing Classroom Courses and Teachers via Technology For All Alabama Public High Schools Expansion III “The Next 100”

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Presentation on theme: "ACCESS Distance Learning providing Classroom Courses and Teachers via Technology For All Alabama Public High Schools Expansion III “The Next 100”"— Presentation transcript:

1 ACCESS Distance Learning providing Classroom Courses and Teachers via Technology For All Alabama Public High Schools Expansion III “The Next 100”

2 “I am proud that Alabama is innovating education delivery so more of our students regardless of location, may gain the expertise they desire to become highly competitive, technologically savvy young people in an increasingly competitive and global workforce.” Governor Bob Riley

3 Vision The State of Alabama will provide equal access to high quality instruction to improve student achievement through distance learning opportunities. Mission To provide an infrastructure that delivers quality learning opportunities for all citizens.

4 Isn't technology grand By Jared Felkins By Jared Felkins The Reporter The words "technologically advanced" do not begin to explain what I witnessed at Boaz High School Tuesday. As you will read about today, Boaz and Douglas schools are two of 24 pilot schools participating in the ACCESS program this semester. After walking into the Boaz classroom, it was like walking into the classroom of the future. School's high-tech tools revive a dead language Thursday, January 26, 2006 Riley set to visit long-distance Latin class at Bob Jones By KEITH CLINES Times Staff Gov. Bob Riley will visit a Latin class at Bob Jones High School today, but the teacher will be in Sheffield. What is the Local Response?

5 Goal To provide additional educational offerings for all Alabama public high school students.

6 Provide Access to: “Advanced Diploma” Courses Additional Course Offerings Advanced Placement or Dual Enrollment/Credit Courses Remediation and Supplemental Resources Teachers with 21 st Century Skills Multimedia/Technology Tools to Enhance Instruction Leverage Existing Resources and Distance Learning Offerings

7 Big Picture ACCESS delivers: Not just virtual online courses Not just IVC courses But utilizes: A unique blended approach to teaching and learning utilizing 21st century equipment that breaches the disconnect between the traditional and online learning environment using different delivery models. Teachers and students with 21 st Century Skills Multimedia/Technology Tools to Enhance Instruction

8 What does this grant include? $85,000 for Purchase of 21 st Century Classroom Equipment Training Support

9 Timeline August 30 – Press Announcement September 14 – Draft Budget to SDE October 1 – Final Budget to SDE (Originals with Signatures) October 15 – Deadline to Issue Purchase Orders October 22 – 31 – Regional Meetings for Counselors, School Administrator, School Contact, and School Technical Contact November – December – Install Equipment November – December – Request Courses for Students November – December – Training for Potential Teachers and Facilitators December 17 – 21 – Testing of Equipment January 7 – Classes start– Send and Receive IVC Classes; Students Enrolled in Web-Based Courses

10 Today Superintendents Follow Governor Riley and Dr. Morton to P103 – Press Conference All Others – Remain in the Auditorium Green Orange Yellow

11 SDE ACCESS Staff Martha Donaldson Earlene Patton John Halbrooks Meg Lowry Debbie Crutchfield Rhonda Oates


13 ACCESS Distance Learning providing Classroom Courses and Teachers via Technology Expansion III “The Next 100”


15 Distance Learning Course Delivery Methods o Web-Based – Asynchronous o Interactive Videoconferencing (IVC) - Synchronous o Blended – Combination of delivery methods

16 Training October 22 – 31 – Regional Meetings for Counselors, School Administrator, School Contact, and School Technical Contact October 25 – Troy University Support Center October 30 – University of Alabama Support Center October 31 – Madison City Schools Support Center November – December – Training for Potential Teachers and Facilitators

17 Registration of Students November – December – Request Courses for Students (Assistance Provided by Regional Support Centers and SDE Staff)

18 Course Offerings

19 21 st Century Software

20 Contact Sheet – 1 per school

21 Timeline August 30 – Press Announcement September 14 – Draft Budget to SDE October 1 – Final Budget to SDE (Originals with Signatures) October 15 – Deadline to Issue Purchase Orders October 22 – 31 – Regional Meetings for Counselors, School Administrator, School Contact, and School Technical Contact November – December – Install Equipment November – December – Request Courses for Students November – December – Training for Potential Teachers and Facilitators December 17 – 21 – Testing of Equipment January 7 – Classes start– Send and Receive IVC Classes; Students Enrolled in Web-Based Courses

22 Today Process of Determining Specifications Committee of Technology Coordinators wrote specifications and negotiated prices Committee reviewed equipment purchased by last 24 sites Another committee of technology coordinators determined exact packages of IVC equipment that met minimum program specifications Monday (August 27) – Utilized reverse quotes to gain competitive prices Today - Viewing and opportunities to ask questions of the different manufacturers regarding specific equipment (to help in making final decisions) Budget session – Specific details provided regarding budget requirements

23 Equipment/Budgets *Tablet Computers - 25-30 Laptop Cart (30) Wireless Router/Printer/Scanner/Copier/Fax/Phone *Interactive White Board/Multimedia Projector (for white board) DVD/VCR Headphones w/Microphone (1 per computer) - 25-30 USB Storage Device – 256 mg. Min. (1 per computer) - 25-30 *IVC station Document Camera * must meet minimum specifications **must meet minimum specifications and include two cameras (front and back of room) and two displays (front and back of room)

24 Questions and additional information: Alabama Department of Education Technology Initiatives 334-242-9594 334-353-5886 (Fax) Contact Information

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