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SD Educational Technology Standards Discussion Hill City Technology Conference Debbie O’Doan, ESA 7/TIE.

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Presentation on theme: "SD Educational Technology Standards Discussion Hill City Technology Conference Debbie O’Doan, ESA 7/TIE."— Presentation transcript:

1 SD Educational Technology Standards Discussion Hill City Technology Conference Debbie O’Doan, ESA 7/TIE

2 Overview Format of Standards 5 Strands Guiding Concepts Examples Examine standards by grade level

3 Format “A set of standards is simply a place to begin– it lays the foundation for measurable, consistent, high-level student learning… Adjustments will need to made for those who exceed the standards and for those who cannot easily meet them.” (p. 10) – SD DOE K-12 Educational Technology Standards

4 Format Please find pg. 16 in your folder

5 5 Strands Nature & Concepts of Technology (NC) Social Interactions (SI) Information & Communication Tools (CT) Information & Communication Processes (CT) Information Literacy & Decision Making (IF)

6 What’s the Big Idea? Guiding Concepts- EQ – Supports every subject area – Opportunities that should be available to EVERY SD Student – Human Process About what people DO rather than what devices they use How students learn to communicate to the world rather than the operations of computers and networks

7 Guiding Concepts cont. Teachers should help students become technologically literate including: – Helping them use, manage, access, and understand technology – Especially for those who don’t have access at home (the 20% in SD) – Fits with New Blooms

8 New Blooms

9 Discuss this on the Blog Does this mean you as a teacher need to be technologically literate? What does it mean to be tech literate? Do you have to know everything about technology in order to teach it?

10 Exercise Stand up if you know a student who owns: A home computer A cell phone An iPod Did an adult teach them to use it?

11 Guiding Concepts cont. Technologists are essentially problem solvers As with all standards, we need to make the application of technology relevant to everyday life

12 Technology is: An active process Closely linked to creativity and innovation Constantly changing and emerging

13 Discuss with a Partner What does Effective Technology Integration look like?

14 NETS for Students

15 Standards Examples p. 17, 19, 24, 36p. 62-64p. 110, 127 p. 145, 146, 149, 150, 155

16 Rubrics for Each Strand p. 20p. 132p. 153

17 Integration Ideas TIE Tech Course Website Powersources Google Docs Wikispaces Blogs Global Awareness- Connecting Classrooms Edutopia

18 Why technology? Technology Standards apply to everyone 21 st Century Skills We are going to have to keep our “customers”

19 A Challenge for You What does Effective Technology Integration look like? How can you use these standards in the content you already teach?

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