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InferenceEvidenceExplanation HW: 3 Column Notes – Lab 1b: Mystery Cube.

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1 InferenceEvidenceExplanation HW: 3 Column Notes – Lab 1b: Mystery Cube


3 SOME MORE OBSERVATIONS TO MAKE…  Awareness Test Awareness Test  Whodunnit? Whodunnit?

4 Mini Project: Question: What is Science? Objective: To create a interpretation of what you think science is. Materials: 8.5 x 11 Sheet of paper (computer paper), pictures (clip art, Google images, draw), words or you may use GlogsterEDU to create your project. To use GlogsterEDU see Mrs. Vidito’s links page for directions. GlogsterEDUGlogsterEDU Procedure: 1. Create a mini-poster to answer the question: What is Science? 2. Poster needs to include ONLY 5 – 10 pictures and ONLY 5-10 words a Need to include the skills of a scientist, branches of science and how scientist solve questions. b. Needs to be neat and organized c. Name, date and class color in upper right hand corner



7 LAB 1A: MISSION POSSIBLE LAB 1B: MYSTERY CUBE A.Observing: using the five senses to gather information about the world B.Inferring: making a conclusion based on your observations C.Predicting: using past experience or current evidence to make an inference about the future D.Classifying: grouping together similar items E.Making Models: helps us to understand things we cannot see F.Communicating: the process of sharing ideas and information

8 Scientific Method vs. Scientific Inquiry vs. Engineering Process

9 Scientific Method:

10 Inquiry Process

11 Engineering Process

12 What do all these processes share and how are they different?

13 Testable hypothesis Identify and limiting the variables Ensuring constants within the experiment Qualitative data – descriptive data Quantitative data – numeric values Using Models Having multiple trials Designing data tables to organize information Eliminating bias: (to have a preference - opinion) Using standardized units of measure Being safe Finding materials

14  Hypothesis: an educated guess that can be tested  An if…then statement  Will either be supported or not supported – never right or wrong! Shows a relationship between the independent and dependent variable. If a plant is talked to then the plant will grow bigger.

15  Variables:  Independent Variable: is the variable changed by the scientist  There is always only ONE!  Also known as the manipulated variable  Dependent Variable: is a measure of how the independent variable responds  Also know as the responding variable  Quantifiable value (a number usually) Measure the growth of each plant Talking to plants: plant A – 1min Plant B – 2 min Plant C – 3 min Plant D – 0 min

16 Control: within an experiment one setup will not have the independent variable applied. This setup is used measure if the independent variable is causing change. NOT EVERY EXPERIMENT HAS A CONTROL. Constants: quantities that will remain constant within an experiment Plant type Soil Water Light Plant D = Control Plants A-C = the experimental setup

17 QuestionIndependent Variable (What I changed) Dependent Variable ( What I observed or measured) Controlled Variables (What I keep the same) How much water flows through a faucet at different openings? Does heating a cup of water allow it to dissolve more sugar? Does fertilizer make a plant grow bigger? Do different brands of candles burn faster?

18 Who listens to the most music: teenagers or parents? Is the classroom noisier when the teacher leaves the room? Do bicycle fenders keep the rider dry when riding through a puddle? QuestionIndependent Variable (What I changed) Dependent Variable ( What I observed or measured) Controlled Variables (What I keep the same)


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