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Cyber Time Fifth Grade. Personal Information Don’t share your parents’ information Don’t give your password for a website to anyone.

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber Time Fifth Grade. Personal Information Don’t share your parents’ information Don’t give your password for a website to anyone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyber Time Fifth Grade

2 Personal Information Don’t share your parents’ information Don’t give your password for a website to anyone.

3 Stranger Dangers Don’t trust people you don’t know. People will lie. Run away and tell an adult you know.

4 Uses of the Internet Don't give away your personal info. Don’t play a game online with someone you don’t know. Ask your parents before you play a game online.

5 Cyber Bullying Tell an adult immediately. Don’t respond to the person. Cyber bullying is wrong, don’t do it.

6 Staying Safe Don’t talk to some one you don’t know. Ask permission before using the internet. Don’t go meet strangers.

7 That’s all folks! Stay Safe Online!

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