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What is Q Comp? Voluntary program that allows school districts and exclusive representatives of the teachers to design and collectively bargain a plan to improve teaching and learning and compensate teachers.
Purpose of Q Comp What it does… What it doesn’t do…
Positively impacts student learning Provides incentives for staff members on the teacher contract to increase their skills as educators Provides a structure for job-embedded professional development Provides more opportunities for teacher leadership What it doesn’t do… Evaluate teachers in all domains, components, and elements Focus on identifying ineffective teachers Provide all teachers with an automatic pay increase
Why did we apply? We are currently doing some of the work and Q Comp can compensate teachers Supports new teacher evaluation law with peer review and teacher growth plans State funds are available Q Comp has been successful in other school districts
Who designed the plan? Five teachers selected by Ed-Minnesota STMA
Matt Rooker Becky Kemmetmueller Jenny Fritz Heidi Leland Jen Patnode Three administrators Dr. Ann-Marie Foucault Principal Jennie Kelly Dr. Behle
Who approved the plan? Ed Minnesota STMA membership School board
What does Q Comp include. 1. Career Ladder/Advancement Options 2
What does Q Comp include? 1. Career Ladder/Advancement Options 2. Job-Embedded Professional Development 3. Teacher Observation and Individual Professional Growth Plan 4. Performance Pay 5. Alternative Salary Schedule
Career Ladder STMA Q Comp Plan currently holds two opportunities for a career ladder: 1 Q Comp Advisor and 6 Instructional Coaches Q COMP ADVISOR The advisor's role is to support teacher growth and student achievement by coordinating the Q-Comp Plan, supervising the Instructional Coaches, providing training, focusing the Q-comp initiative on best practices, ensuring compliance, analyzing data, and promoting and communicating the program. INSTRUCTIONAL COACHES The coach’s job is to coach colleagues by modeling best practice strategies, conferencing, observing, evaluating, and providing meaningful feedback to teachers and staff.
Q Comp Advisor Megan Johnson
I was hired in February by the Q Comp hiring team I began the role as Q Comp Advisor On March 10th and have been learning about our STMA Q Comp plan, learning about other Q Comp schools best practices, and preparing for our implementation in the fall. I am more than happy to help answer any questions or support you and your teams in any way I can.
Instructional Coaches
Instructional coaches were hired in March and will begin some training in April and June. Coaches will be housed in a particular school, however they will be working with teachers in multiple buildings and multiple content areas. Coaches were also hired by a team of teachers and administrators Coaches will serve 3-5 years and will then return to their teaching assignments The coach’s role is to support the teacher in his/her own professional growth
Meet your Coaches Aaron Heil-STME 19 years in Education
Big Woods-First Grade 19 years in Education Fun Fact: Aaron will have a son starting college and a son starting kindergarten next year! Becky Kemmetmueller-Big Woods Fieldstone-Second Grade 15 years in education Fun Fact: Becky Biked down a volcano in Hawaii.
Meet your Coaches Jackie Andrews-Middle School West
Middle School East- EBD 28 Years in Education Fun Fact: After the movie American Graffiti came out…Jackie was a roller skating car hop in high school at the local A&W! Jill Lurie-Middle School East Middle School East- High Potential Reading 19 Years in Education Fun Fact: Jill has written several novels.
Meet Your Coaches Jamie Wiitala-High School Jason Johnson- Fieldstone
High School- Math 8 Years in Education Fun Fact: Jamie has 30 aunts and uncles, first cousins, and 26 second cousins! Jason Johnson- Fieldstone Big Woods- First Grade 16 Years in Education Fun Fact: Jason is an identical twin and his B brother also works in the district (5th gr. MSW).
How does the observation cycle work?
All non-tenured teachers will continue to be observed by their building administrator three times each year. If the non-tenured teacher is proficient in the areas needed (as determined by the rubric) he/she will earn Q Comp dollars. All tenured teachers will either be on High-Cycle or Low- Cycle High Cycle happens once every three years. High Cycle teachers will first be evaluated by their building administrator sometime before December 1. If the teacher earns an overall rating of proficient on the entire rubric he/she will then be released into Q Comp and will continue with two observations by his/her instructional coach. Low Cycle teachers will be observed three times throughout the school year by his/her instructional coach. (Approximately once/per trimester) In addition to the observation all teachers will participate in 3 pre-observation and 3 post-observation meetings All teachers will create a professional growth plan that must be okayed by his/her instructional coach or administrator
Observation Tool Instructional Coaches will only be observing teachers using the Instructional Domain. The coach and the teacher will fill out the rubric together after the lesson using evidence collected during the observation. There are many new evaluation rubrics! Did you know that Special Ed, Counselors, Social Works, SLP’s, Deans, and Nurses now have their own rubrics???
Instructional Domain Consists of 7 components: Communication
Communication of Learning Targets Questioning Engagement Feedback Pacing & Flexibility Instructional Organization Based on Charlotte Danielson’s, “A Framework for Teaching”.
Three Incentives Site SMART Goal PLC participation and PLC Goal
$100 Based on school-wide student achievement goal (Based on standardized test) PLC participation and PLC Goal Earn $300 for actively participating in the PLC and achieving the PLC Observations and Professional Growth Plan -$1,200 for successful completion of 3 observation cycles and demonstration of progress in individual professional growth plan
Profession Learning Communities
Educators committed to working collaboratively in on-going processes of collective inquiry and action research in order to achieve better results for the students they serve. (DuFour)
The Work of the Collaborative Team
Clarify essential common skills Develop formative assessments Establish a specific target that is sufficiently rigorous to assure success on assessments Analyze Results Identify and implement improvement strategies
Guiding Questions What is it that we want students to learn?
How do we know they have learned it? What do we do if they don’t? What do we do if they do?
PLC Requirements Q Comp Requires all members of the bargaining unit to participate in a PCL 50 minutes per/week or 90 minutes every other week within contractual hours The PLC must be data driven and action orientated Members should come prepared with data, assessments, and share ideas Teams will create an action plan at the end of each session Teams are responsible for writing meaningful goals based on their students needs
Shifting to a PLC Focus on teaching….to a focus on learning
From coverage of content…to demonstration of proficiency From a language of complaint…to language of commitment From long-term strategic planning… to short term wins From learning by listening…to learning by doing From learning individually…to learning collectively by working together From an assumption that these are “my kids, those are your kids”…to an assumption that these are “our kids” From teachers gathering data from their individually constructed tests in order to assign grades…to collaborative teams acquiring information from common assessments in order to 1)inform their individual and collective practice, and 2) respond to students who need additional time and support
How does Q Comp fit into what we are already doing at STMA?
How does Q Comp fulfill the requirements for the new teacher evaluation law?
Statutory Requirements: Teacher evaluation processes must establish a three year professional review cycle for each teacher that includes a professional growth plan, peer review, participation in a professional learning community (PLC), and at least one summative evaluation by a qualified and trained evaluator.
Where do I go for more information?
Staff Website Q Comp forms Q Comp one page document Q Comp handbook MOU Ask!!! , call, or invite Megan to a team meeting Contact your Q Comp Governing board Get to know your Instructional Coaches
What’s Next??? All Staff will have 4 hours of training during back to school workshops in: Q Comp paperwork Scheduling observations & meetings with coaches PLCs SMART goals Professional Growth plans Instructional Domain All PLCs will be fully supported in September Examples of SMART goals will be provided Time will be given to analyze and share data How to write and follow norms will be taught How to create and participate in a meaningful PLC will be shared
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