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Criterion I – Formal Presentation Putting the paper together (the “nuts and bolts”)

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Presentation on theme: "Criterion I – Formal Presentation Putting the paper together (the “nuts and bolts”)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Criterion I – Formal Presentation Putting the paper together (the “nuts and bolts”)

2 Length/Word Count  The upper limit is 4,000 words (graders can STOP reading at that point)  Does not include: abstract, bibliography, end notes, appendices, illustrations (maps, charts, diagrams, tables), acknowledgments, contents page, title page

3 Title Page Example (begin title about 1/3 below the top of the paper) Title (should be a clear indication of the focus of the essay; avoid “cuteness”) Extended Essay Subject Name Candidate Number School, City, State, Country Date Word Count Advisor

4 Abstract  SHOULD NOT EXCEED 300 WORDS  Should be on its own piece of paper directly after the title page

5 Table of Contents  Must be provided at beginning of essay; all pages should be numbered  Should include all major titles: Abstract, Table of Contents, Essay, Bibliography, and supplemental materials (if necessary)  If you divide your essay into headings or subtopics, these headings should be listed in the Table of Contents

6 Illustrations  These have very specific guidelines for inclusion in the essay.  Please read page 16 of the IB Extended Essay Guide and follow with care!

7 Bibliography and Citations  Be consistent in your use. We suggest MLA or APA. There are links to these on the IBPO website.  Include all works cited in the paper on this page. Any other works that influenced the work should be mentioned in the introduction.  Should be on its own page and alphabetized.  Make sure that your in-text citations are consistent (parenthetical or endnotes)

8 Numbering  All pages should be numbered using Arabic numbers  The exceptions: title page (no number), Abstract and Table of Contents (lower case Roman numerals (i,ii))

9 Order of Paper 1.Title Page 2.Abstract 3.Table of Contents 4.Essay 5.Illustrations, Appendices (if necessary) 6.Bibliography * A new item number indicates a new page

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