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Respectful Teaching Strategies for Science
Strategy 1- Prompts, starters and formative assessment
Objective- Sciences teachers will: Review examples of instructional strategies with the goal of designing and implementing at least one strategy into a 3rd nine weeks lesson. Strategy 1- Prompts, starters and formative assessment Strategy 2- Projects Rafts Menus Think-tac-toe Strategy 3- Tiered assignments and pre-assessments Examples and collaboration Time to View Work sample Work in Learning Communities Time for reflection and questions Exit card
Pick ONE column below and complete the prompt.
Find your seat Turn in page 42 Collect the two papers on the front desk, graph paper, a ruler and a pencil Starter Pick ONE column below and complete the prompt. Describe the difference between absolute and relative time. Give an example that shows the difference between relative and absolute time. Using pictures, show the difference between relative and absolute time.
You need a calculator and your clicker.
Read through the periods of the Paleozoic Era and respond to one of the following with at least four complete sentences. In what ways is the Paleozoic Era different from our current era. B. In what ways is the Paleozoic Era the same as the current era? Imagine that you could travel back in time. What would you like most about living in the Paleozoic Era. What would you like least about living in the Paleozoic Era? Write a short narrative to describe to one of your friends the major features of the Paleozoic Era.
You need a white board and marker
Starter- complete ONE of the problems below on paper...choose the one that is challenging, but one you can accurately complete- show all work The half life of element Z is years. If a rock is found with 1/16th of the original Element Z remaining, how old is the rock? Show all work and units. A sediment erodes at a rate of cm every 2000 years. If the area has been eroding for 200 years, how much sediment has eroded? Show all work and units. Wachatcha falls erodes at a rate of 13 cm per year. Knowing that there is 2.54 cm in 1 inch, how long will it take to accumulate 525 inches? Show all work and units.
Turn in History of Geology assignment
Collect a ruler, calculator, and a pencil Take out pages 70-72 Starter- Wegner’s supported his theory of continental drift with evidence, pick one column below and describe the evidence for his theory. Describe the fossil evidence associated with continental drift. Describe the rock evidence associated with continental drift. Describe the climate evidence associated with continental drift.
-You have been divided into groups based on your learning style (on your index cards from earlier this year) -Read the column for your group and begin. - You will have 12 minutes to work on your task and 3 minutes to practice presenting. Kinesthetic/Tactile 1 Auditory Kinesthetic/Tactile 2 Visual Come up with a dance or skit to explain the process, location and molecules involved in DNA replication. All group members must participate in developing the dance or skit and in the presentation. Write a song or poem that describes the process, location and molecules involved in transcription. All group members must participate in writing the song or poem and in the presentation. Come up with a dance or skit to explain the process, location and molecules involved in translation. All group members must participate in developing the dance or skit and in the presentation. Create a flow chart or sign to illustrate the two types of mutations and their effects on amino acid sequence. All group members must participate in making the sign and the presentation.
Immune System Warm Up or Homework
Creative Analytical Practical Write a short story, comic strip or journal entry about how the body responds to invasion from bacteria or viruses. Illustrate your story. Create a flow chart that lists the type of cells involved in immune response and how they are interconnected. Explain to a peer who was absent from class how the immune system interacts with and is related to the other body systems.
RAFT The part the student will play. Who is listening?
Assume a Role! Consider an Audience! Write in a Format! Examine a Topic! RAFT Role Audience Format Topic The part the student will play. Who is listening? How the information will be presented. The content that the presentation will cover.
Assume a Role! Consider an Audience! Write in a Format!
Anatomy Assume a Role! Consider an Audience! Write in a Format! Examine a Topic!
In what ways do we use the natural resource?
Where is the natural resource located? (in the US and the world) How is the natural resource extracted or collected? What are the environmental and social concerns of extraction/collection and use of natural resource? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this the resourse? What are the plans for future use of the natural resource? (address if this natural resource is renewable or non-renewable.)
Not all topics researched and incompletely 2-3 points
RAFT Rubric: Criteria Topics Research point Not all topics researched and incompletely 2-3 points All topics researched, but incompletely 4-5 points All topics thoroughly researched Topics Presentation 0-1 points Not all topics addressed All topics addressed, but inaccurately or incompletely All topics thoroughly and correctly addressed Creativity Little to no creativity/cleverness Some instances of creativity or cleverness Very creative. Multiple instances of creativity/cleverness Notes Either few or no notes taken Incomplete notes of presentations made Thorough notes of presentations made
Menu Can be used as an anchor activity, learning contract, or review activity, as well as a culminating activity. Course Description Appetizer Student can choose from a variety of options (learning styles, modalities). Main Course Students must complete all portions. Designed to assess mastery of course objectives. Side Dish Students choose from a variety of options (learning styles, modalities) Dessert Often optional extension
Plate Tectonics Menu Project
DIRECTIONS: You will have class time and homework time over the next four days to complete your menu on plate tectonics. The menu is designed to get you thinking about the main idea in this unit. You must complete all three sections of the menu. All work must be your original ideas. Appetizer- EVERYONE DOES THIS SECTION Make a WORDLE for Wegner’s evidence of continental drift. You must include evidence and example on your Wordle. You must have at least 5 words and 5 short phrases.
Main Course- You must choose ONE of these.
Use a flow chart or diagram to compare and contrast the 5 main types of plate boundaries (continental-continental, continental- oceanic, oceanic-oceanic, transform and divergent) You must include, main characteristics, how they form and a specific location on earth where each boundary is found. Make a colored drawing of the 5 main types of plate boundaries (continental-continental, continental- oceanic, oceanic-oceanic, transform and divergent) You must include, all main characteristics in the drawing. The drawing must show how they form and a specific location on earth where each boundary is found must be listed below the drawing. You have just booked a trip to visit the 5 main types of plate boundaries (continental-continental, continental- oceanic, oceanic-oceanic, transform and divergent) Make a post card to a friend for each of the five locations. On your postcard you must describe the main characteristics of the plate boundary, how they form and a specific location on earth where each boundary is found. You may use clip art or graphics as the picture for your postcard.
DESSERT- Choose one of the following.
Write a poem or song that describes the three main types of earthquake waves- You must have five verses. Write a poem or song that describes about Hot Spots- You must have 5 verses. Write a poem or song about how the amount of dissolved gas and silica content effects the explosiveness of a volcano. You must have 5 verses
Include a geographic map of all of the biomes. The map should be colored and labeled. The equator should be clearly labeled. Explain the relationship between altitude/latitude and the climate of four biomes of your choice.
Main Course- You should choose ONE of these
Create a drawing or comic strip with captions that illustrates for your assigned biome o a minimum of 5 biotic and 5 abiotic factors o for each biotic factor (plant or animal) include ONE adaptation that allows it to survive in that biome o Two examples of symbiosis (parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism) Create a flow chart with connecting phrases for your assigned biome that illustrates your understanding of the relationships between o A minimum of 5 biotic and 5 abiotic factors o Adaptations for each of the biotic factors (plant and animal) that allows it to survive it that biome Write a journal entry/diary entry from the perspective of an animal or plant in your biome that describes “a day in the life” and includes the following o A minimum of 5 biotic and 5 abiotic factors that the organism encounters o Adaptations for each of the biotic factors that allows it to survive it that biome (including your organism) o Two examples of symbiosis (parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism)that affects the daily life of your organism and other organisms in the biome
Side Dish- Choose TWO of the following
Find or create a food web that includes organisms from your biome and shows at least four trophic levels including a decomposer. Label each trophic level and include arrows (pointing in the proper direction). Find or create a diagram for the carbon cycle. Label respiration and photosynthesis. Explain the role of photosynthesis and respiration in the carbon cycle. Find or create an energy pyramid that includes organisms from your biome. Label each trophic level and use the 10% rule to explain the flow of energy through the trophic levels. Dessert- If you’re not too full, you have the option to do DESSERT for BONUS Research a human impact and describe how it is affecting your biomes. Consider these points in your answer: o What biotic factors are being affected? o What is the effect on these factors? o Is anything being done to counter these effects?
Forms of Energy Menu Planner
Due: All items in the main dish and the specified number of side dishes must be completed by the due date. You may select among the side dishes as indicated, and you may decide to do some of the dessert items as well. Main Dish (Complete all) Draw a picture illustrating how energy changes from one form to another. Needs to be at least four changes within the cycle. Create a Venn diagram that compares and contrasts kinetic and potential energy Write a letter to the government describing how it is important to conserve the energy that we have as you now know that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. DUE: Side Dish (Select two of the four to complete) Write a creative story about a child on a rollercoaster. Include where potential and kinetic energy are changing in the rollercoaster ride and how the child is affected by the changes. Pretend you are a melting popsicle and discuss how your molecules are being affected by the change in kinetic energy. Draw an illustration of how the molecules change from steam back into an ice cube. Research online a graph that represents global warming on the polar ice caps. Dessert (Select one of the following) Draw a cartoon of a melting snowman and discuss his molecules changing due to kinetic energy. Draw a cartoon of a bird watching a rollercoaster go up and down and its reaction to the people screaming at various stages of the ride. Draw an illustration of a piece of bread and how it has gone through six of the forms of energy.
Think-Tac-Toe This is a type of learning contract or anchor activity designed to give students control over when to work, give them a choice about presentation options, and can be tiered so that challenge levels of problems, texts, or skills practiced are suitable for each student. They are laid out like a tic-tac-toe board and students must complete three tasks in a row, diagonally, vertically, or horizontally.
Minerals Tic-Tac-Toe- Project Guide
Think Tac Toe Motion - Think Tac-Toe
Directions: Choose any of the three to complete a tic-tac-toe across, down or diagonal. Each of your choices must be done on a separate sheet of paper. Blank copy paper, colored paper, or construction paper should be used, NO NOTEBOOK paper. You must attach this sheet to your final product. Examples of pictures and graphs need to come from magazines or newspapers. You may use only ONE graph from the internet and ONE picture from the internet. PARENT SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________ DUE: ___________ Create a word problem that calculates the speed of two moving objects. Must be worked out and done correctly. Answer must be realistic to the data that is given in the problem. Find pictures of three sports that would depend on the measurement of speed. Write a 4-5 sentence paragraph for each picture on why that sport needs to understand and use speed. Think of a way that motion is important to your life. Describe that in a creative writing paragraph (at least 5-7 sentences). Find examples of three line graphs, cut them out, label the independent and dependent variables for each of the graphs. Draw directions to your house from school labeling all of the major reference points getting to your home. Include written directions with your drawing (think MapQuest directions). Find three pictures of objects in motion and describe how fast you THINK each object is travelling (at least 3-4 sentence description for each picture). Write a list of steps for a student in 5th grade who has never completed a speed problem. Describe to them how to accurately set up and calculate a speed problem. Draw pictures illustrating the speed, distance, and time formulas. There will be three separate drawings for each of the formulas. Each formula should be drawn with different pictures. Write a list of ten examples of when you think it may be important to know how to calculate speed.
Think Tac Toe Grading Rubric – Each task received points on the following:
Thoroughly completed project task. Gave details. Went above and beyond 8 Points Mostly completed project task. Gave some details. 6 Points Somewhat completed project task. Gave little details 4 Points Completed parts of the project task. No details 2 Points At least project was started. 5 Points Very Neat – well colored. Typed or written neatly Neat 3 Points Somewhat neat Little neatness, many errors or blotches on papers 1 Point Lots of bumps on the bus this morning Followed exact directions given for project task Followed directions for project task Mostly followed the directions for the project task Some parts of the directions were missed in the project task Made up your own task for the project
Tiered Assignments In a differentiated classroom, a teacher uses varied levels of tasks to ensure that students explore ideas and use skills at a level that builds on their prior knowledge and prompts continued growth. While students work at varied degrees of difficulty on their tasks, they all explore the essential ideas and work at high levels of thought. Assessment-based tiering allows students to work in their “Zone of Proximal Development” or in a state of moderate change.
Example of vocabulary pre-assessment: Part I
Fe Definition – In your own words Definition: Textbook MOTION Examples: Illustration:
Pre-assessment Part II - both parts are included onto one page
Knowledge Rating Chart Directions: Rate the following terms as follows: 1. I’ve never heard that word before 2. I’ve heard the term, but I don’t know how it applies to physics 3. I understand the meaning of this term and can apply it within science. Speed __________ Distance ______________ Motion __________ Acceleration ______________ Velocity__________ Time ______________ Force __________ If you have terms that are 2’s or 3’s use your own words to write down a SHORT definition on the back of this paper.
Pre- Assessment Forces Anticipation Guide
Read the statements below and decide if you agree (A) or disagree (D) with each statement. Write you answer in the column under Anticipation. After you have learned about the topic, complete the column under Reaction. Periodically go back and check to see what you have learned as you progress through the Forces unit. ANTICIPATION STATEME NT REACTION Mass and weight are the same thing. A force is a push or a pull Balanced forces produce no motion Sliding friction is when an object slides over another object Friction occurs between two surfaces that are touching Gravity causes things to fall toward the earth Weight is measured in Newtons Mass is measured in Grams A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of rocks There are four types of friction
Examples You will have the next 15 minutes to view student work products.
Collaboration You will have 20 minutes to collaborate with members of your learning community and discuss plans for implementation of one of these strategies in the 3rd nine weeks. Discussion points: Which strategy fits your needs and style as a teacher? Which strategy will help students reach the learning goals you have set? Which strategy are you most interested in trying and why?
What strategy do plan to implement in the 3rd nine weeks?
Why did you choose this strategy?
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