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1 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Waiver.

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1 1 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Waiver

2 Categorize all schools by school grade GradeESEA CategoryDifferentiated Accountability AReward Improve a gradeReward B CPrevent DFocusCorrect FPriorityIntervene 2

3 C = Prevent Schools District monitors to ensure positive achievement trends District implements interventions in: Educator Quality Leadership Professional Development Florida Continuous Improvement Model Monitoring Plans and Processes 3

4 D = Focus = Correct Schools District and state monitor to ensure improvement District implements interventions in: – School Improvement – Leadership – Educator Quality – Professional Development – Florida Continuous Improvement Model – Monitoring Plans and Processes State oversight increases A school with three consecutive D grades must implement the district-managed turnaround intervention model 4

5 F = Priority = Intervene Schools District and state provide oversight of improvement plan District implements interventions in: – School Improvement – Leadership – Educator Quality – Professional Development – Florida Continuous Improvement Model – Monitoring Plans and Processes State oversight is high Four intervention models already in law if improvement is not shown Priority/Intervene Entry and Exit Criteria revised 5

6 Priority and Intervene Entry and Exit Criteria Revised Entry Criterion – School grade of F Exit Criteria – Earn school grade of C – Meet proficiency targets in math and reading set by the State Board of Education “Hold Status” established – For schools meeting only one of the exit criteria – No longer than two years 6

7 Florida’s Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) 1. AMO-1, School Grade Provides a comprehensive overview of the performance of the school including subgroup proficiency and student learning gains 2. AMO-2, Increase Student Performance in Reading and Mathematics Focuses schools on increasing the proportion of students scoring at levels 3 and above and reducing the proportion on students scoring at levels 1 and 2 by 50% over six years 7

8 Florida’s Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) 3. AMO-2, Adequate Progress of Students in the Lowest- Performing 25% in Reading and Mathematics Includes over representation of specific subgroups that are low-performing and focuses schools on raising their achievement and reducing achievement gaps 4. AMO-6, Comparison of Florida’s Student Performance to the Highest Performing States and Nations National: NAEP outcomes for reading and mathematics in grades 4 and 8 International: TIMSS PIRLS, PISA 8

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