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Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) DC Office on Aging (DCOA)

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Presentation on theme: "Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) DC Office on Aging (DCOA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) DC Office on Aging (DCOA)

2 Commodity Supplemental Food Program The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is a federally funded program under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) which provides food to low income seniors, women, children and infants. The program provides a monthly package of food commodities in canned, bottled, boxed, and bagged form. The package consists of fruits, vegetables, juices, meat, milk, peanut butter, beans, evaporated milk, dry milk, grains, pasta, cereal, and cheese.

3 DC CSFP Beginning in Fiscal Year (FY) 2013, the administration of the DC CSFP came under the DC Office on Aging, CSFP State Agency. The direct distribution of food is under the management of the grantee, the Capital Area Food Bank. The program began operations in 1969 serving women, children and infants only, and expanded to include seniors in 1986. At present, DC CSFP serves seniors, women and children, but no longer infants. In FY 2013, DC CSFP is serving approximately 6,400 participants monthly of which 6,275 are seniors (98%).

4 Eligibility Criteria for DC CSFP are: DC Residency Seniors – 60 years and older Women – who are pregnant Women – who have delivered a child within the last year Children – ages one year thru five years Income eligibility based upon federal income guidelines CSFP LOCATIONS 2901 14 th Street, NW (202) 265-8200 ext. 307 5601 East Capitol St., SE(202) 645-6087 3720 MLK, Jr. Ave, SE(202) 715-7695

5 DC Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program The DC Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program was initiated in 2001. The SFMNP provides six $5.00 checks ($30.00 total) to the seniors who are participants in the CSFP. CSFP does not provide farmers’ market checks to women or children. In 2012, seniors redeemed approximately $145,415 worth of SFM checks. Proxies are allowed to purchase produce for senior participants. They should show their personal ID and are encouraged to bring the senior participant’s CSFP ID card (which would be green or white), but it is not required. The DC SFMNP checks for 2013 will be blue. Questions concerning CSFP/SFMNP, call the CSFP/SFMNP State Agency: (202) 535-1417


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