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ANALYTICAL SCIENCES GROUP UPDATE FY2013 Randall Morin 2013 Northern FIA Regional Management Team Meeting Portland, ME Northern Research Station Forest.

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Presentation on theme: "ANALYTICAL SCIENCES GROUP UPDATE FY2013 Randall Morin 2013 Northern FIA Regional Management Team Meeting Portland, ME Northern Research Station Forest."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANALYTICAL SCIENCES GROUP UPDATE FY2013 Randall Morin 2013 Northern FIA Regional Management Team Meeting Portland, ME Northern Research Station Forest Inventory and Analysis

2 TOPICS  State reporting  Regional analyses  National-scale projects  P2+  NWOS  FIA Symposium

3  Continue to produce ~5 comprehensive reports and 24 annual reports each year. The format and content has been static for a while – change is coming:  Good: FSRET asking for standardized FIA reporting; national annual template finished  Better: Other possibilities – sub-regional or regional annual reports  Best: Web-based interactive graphics; no written report; still generate tables via EVALIDator, etc. STATE REPORTING




7 REGIONAL ANALYSIS – PEST IMPACTS Hemlock woolly adelgid ~8-30 km year Ongoing studies: GM, BBD, EAB, and others

8 Water Stress Projections for the Northeastern and Midwestern United States in 2060: Consequences for Human and Fish Communities REGIONAL ANALYSIS – NORTHERN FOREST FUTURES WaSSI values > 1 indicate demand exceeds supplies Native fish species diversity

9 Changes in forest habitat classes under alternative climate and land-use change scenarios in the Northeast and Midwest, USA REGIONAL ANALYSIS – NORTHERN FOREST FUTURES 2010 forest land area by and change by habitat class and 50- yr projections by future scenarios

10 RMAP Forest Ownership (Nelson et al. 2010): Historical forest density change (Liknes et al. 2013): Per-state tree species distribution maps (Riemann et al. In Review) RDS Forest Ownership (Nelson et al. 2010): Historical woodland density (Liknes et al. 2013): Tree Species Basal Area (Wilson et al. 2013): Forest Carbon Stocks (Wilson et al. 2013): GLRI forest disturbance (Perry et al. In Progress) Western Great Lakes stand age (Nelson et al. In Progress) REGIONAL/NATIONAL ANALYSIS – RDS & RMAP



13 NATIONAL PROJECTS – FIA MAP ATLAS SAMPLE FEATURE – ECONOMIC BENEFITS PROVIDED BY FORESTS Employment as a fraction as state economy Mills in the Southeast

14  Work continues with new collaboration tools facilitating progress (SharePoint)  WO publications shop in the loop to lay groundwork for printing process  Publication release date: IUFRO meeting; Salt Lake City; October 2014  ESRI and new AGOL guidelines will facilitate data distribution NATIONAL PROJECTS – FIA MAP ATLAS

15  Team composed of USFS, Industry, University.  Two years of data collection complete, ~500 felled trees.  Substantial legacy data has been obtained from other studies, industry work, etc.  In process of moving lab work out of universities to SRS lab in Athens – reduce cost.  Continual FIA funding is challenging; seeking other funding sources. NATIONAL PROJECTS – FIA BIOMASS STUDY

16  2013 intensity at 12.5% of P2 sample (2X P3)  3 rd year of data (2013) collection is underway – will be available in FIADB within 6 months of last production plot date.  Crowns – Dieback and Uncompacted Crown Ratio  Veg – Cover by height layer for various growth forms (e.g., tree, shrub, forb, graminoid)  Regen – Browse, Site Limitations, Seedling by height class, Seedling source (~ PRS protocols)  Invasives – Cover by species  DWM – Reduced to 2 transects per subplot P2+ FOREST HEALTH INDICATORS

17  2011-2013 Completed  Contacted 27,000 private landowners  Preliminary cooperation rate: 47%  First time remeasuring same sample points  Unprecedented potential for trend analyses  Estimation approach has been updated  Methods published in Journal of Forestry  New automated table generation NATIONAL WOODLAND OWNERS SURVEY

18  2011-2013 In Process  Complete data processing (December)  Distribute preliminary tables (January)  Goal of 105 publications submitted in FY2014  100 articles in landowner magazines, newsletters, and other “gray’ literature  Minimum of five peer-reviewed publications including overview journal article and documentation GTR  Incorporate data into NIMS  Vermont intensification  Initiate planning for next iteration (2015?)  New hire using outside funding NATIONAL WOODLAND OWNERS SURVEY

19  NRS-hosted December 4–6, 2012 in Baltimore, MD  12 plenary presentations, 128 general presentations, 22 posters  Proceedings published– 75 papers  Participants from US, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Colombia  4 papers published in recent issue MCFNS (Liknes, Morin, Canham guest eds.) 2012 FIA SYMPOSIUM


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