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2012-13 Freshmen Orientation.  What is FX?  Who’s Who at FCHS  FX Policies  Transitioning to High School & Coping w/ Stress.

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Presentation on theme: "2012-13 Freshmen Orientation.  What is FX?  Who’s Who at FCHS  FX Policies  Transitioning to High School & Coping w/ Stress."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012-13 Freshmen Orientation

2  What is FX?  Who’s Who at FCHS  FX Policies  Transitioning to High School & Coping w/ Stress

3 What is FX?

4 FX = Freshman eXperience

5  Purpose:  Teaming: Gold, Blue, (& Green )

6  Gold Team teachers have common planning and Blue Team teacher have common planning.  Uses:  monitor freshmen students’ progress  Teacher - student meetings  Parent – teacher – student meetings Students may request a meeting by telling an FX teacher !

7  FX offers tutoring in all core subjects.  Sample tutoring schedule from 2011-12: Mon. – Sci.Thur. – Math Tues. – S.S.Fri. – Eng  Students may also approach teachers to arrange tutoring on alternate days and before school.

8 The Faces of FCHS

9 Mr. Sampson, Principal Mr. Howell, Asst. Principal Mr. Lewis, Asst. Principal

10 Ms. Meyer, Office Manager Ms. Tyler, Attendance Secretary Ms. Collins, Bookeeper

11 Ms. Lawhorn, Counselor Ms. Green, Counselor Ms. Franke, Secretary

12 Ms. Cordier, Librarian Ms. Nance, Youth Service Center Coordinator

13 Regina, Daytime Custodian Officer Rivers, School Resource Officer

14 FX & FCHS Policies

15  Late Work – any assignment not submitted on time (i.e., NOT make-up work due to absences)  Late work window: 3 days  Grade deduction: 25% AFTER 3 DAYS, THE WORK MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED FOR ANY CREDIT.

16  Make-up Work – assignments missed due to an EXCUSED absence  A note must be submitted w/i 5 days of the absence.  It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work from the teacher AND to schedule a time to make-up tests/quizzes if necessary.  Students have 5 days to complete the make-up work.  If absent due to a school-related event (field-trip, sporting event, band competition, etc.), the work must be completed BEFORE the absence.

17  Students receive 1 pass/teacher/ 9 weeks.*  MUST have/use agenda book.  Use at teacher discretion. *Exceptions to 1 pass/teacher/9 weeks rule granted with documented medical reason.

18 How to Cope with STRESS

19  New School/Bigger Building  Friends  Teachers  Grades  Peer Pressure  Parents/Family Issues

20 Starting high school is a BIG change in your life. What are some things that are changing?  More independence = More responsibility.  Friends  Interests/hobbies/activities  New school environment  New people

21 Change can be difficult because it is new to us. It can also be hard to deal with because sometimes we have to let go of something that was important to us. One example of change, is letting go of an old friend and making a new one. It can be painful to let go of a friend and it may be difficult to find a new, good friend.

22  There can be a lot of pressure from friends, teachers, and parents.  Class work will challenge you.  Friends may ask you to do something you are not comfortable doing. This can be hard because you want to “fit in”.  YOU may put a lot of pressure on yourself.

23  Depressed  Anxious  Overwhelmed  Nervous  Sad  Angry  Lost

24  Develop a positive attitude. Remember YOU choose your outlook on life.  Embrace change…it is a part of life and can be good.  Talk to someone you trust. Surround yourself with positive people to support you.  Be healthy. Choose a good diet and be physically active.  Ask teachers for help with classwork. Attend tutoring.

25  Help other people...join a service club like Key Club or FCCLA. This can develop self confidence and it feels good to help someone in need.  Exercise or do something fun to relieve stress.  Get involved and make good friends. Join a group/club at school.  Write a letter to your parent/guardian and explain how you feel.

26  Don’t post messages/pictures on facebook, twitter, and text messages that you don’t want everyone to see/read.  Learn time management skills, so you can keep up with classwork.  Be comfortable saying, “NO”, to things you don’t want to do.


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