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WHAT ARE THE EXPECTATIONS FOR RIDING THE BUS?. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS MEETING? To help ensure the safety of all students when riding the bus. To.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT ARE THE EXPECTATIONS FOR RIDING THE BUS?. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS MEETING? To help ensure the safety of all students when riding the bus. To."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS MEETING? To help ensure the safety of all students when riding the bus. To provide students with strategies to minimize bus problems. To ensure students realize that riding the school bus is a privilege.

3 WHAT ARE THE RULES FOR RIDING THE BUS? OBSERVE SAME CONDUCT AS IN THE CLASSROOM. Be courteous, use no profane language. Do not eat, drink, or smoke on the bus.

4 WHAT ARE THE RULES FOR RIDING THE BUS? Keep the bus clean. Cooperate with the driver. Do not be destructive. –You will be held accountable for destruction to your seat.

5 WHAT ARE THE RULES FOR RIDING THE BUS? Stay in your seat. Keep head, hands, and feet inside the bus. Keep volume level reasonable. Give the driver correct information about name, address, phone number.

6 WHAT CAN WE EXPECT FROM THE BUS DRIVERS? Bus drivers have a list of riders and parent/guardian phone numbers. The bus driver will enforce where students sit. Students have assigned seats. Bus drivers will dismiss students and check every seat before new students are allowed on the bus. Bus drivers will check bus notes.

7 SCHOOL BUS DRESS EXPECTATIONS Hoods covering are to be removed upon boarding the bus. Deep scoop or deep v-neck shirts/blouses or see thru and cut away styles which expose rib cage and midriff are not allowed. Pants must be worn (hands free) within 2 inches of the natural waist. No skin or undergarments may be seen around the waist area. Extremes shall be avoided (tightness, shortness, clothing exposing undergarments etc.

8 WHAT SHOULD MY BEHAVIOR BE WHEN WAITING FOR A BUS AT AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL? Cooperate with adults. Line up in a single-file line. Load and unload bus in an orderly fashion. No horseplay. Get along with each other. Be at bus stop on time.

9 WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES IF I DON’T FOLLOW THE EXPECTATIONS? REASONABLE CONSEQUENCES –Assigned seat by bus driver or administration. –Losing the privilege of riding the bus. –Suspension from school.

10 LET’S PRACTICE! We will load the busses in an orderly fashion.

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