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 Completed Portfolio: Includes all required items on the Culminating Project Checklist. (Additional items are also encouraged.) Should be well organized.

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2  Completed Portfolio: Includes all required items on the Culminating Project Checklist. (Additional items are also encouraged.) Should be well organized. Should be a complete reflection of what you have accomplished so far in high school.  High School and Beyond Plan: The High School & Beyond Plan is a state graduation requirement; however, the contents of that plan are up to the individual school district. The High School & Beyond Plan is based on the work students are required to complete using Career Cruising.  Student Led Conference: An oral presentation of your Portfolio, including your plans for the future, for your T-Bird Futures Advisor and a parent/guardian/guest.  ALL students in Washington State are required to complete a Culminating Project to graduate.

3  The student-led conference is truly student-led: YOU are in charge. It’s up to you to prepare well, introduce your parents and advisor, lead the discussion, and conclude the conference.  Using your portfolio as a guide, you’ll share your progress with your advisor and your parents/ guardians and address these questions: What have I accomplished in school this year? What do I want to do in the future? Who am I – as a student and as an individual?

4 Your Student Led Conference is how you meet your Culminating Project and High School & Beyond Plan requirements. You will not participate in the graduation ceremony if you do not get this done!

5  Use the worksheet to make notes for the required sections of the High School & Beyond Plan.  Use your Career Cruising information to help shape your Plan.  The final paper must be a typed, 5- paragraph paper and must be in your Portfolio prior to Student-Led Conferences (SLCs) in April.

6 Each student graduating from high school in Washington State in 2008 or after must complete a High School & Beyond Plan. The High School & Beyond Plan is a state graduation requirement; however, the contents of that plan are up to the individual school district. The High School & Beyond Plan is based on the work students are required to complete using Career Cruising. By now, you should have a good idea of what you hopes to do next year and have completed many of the steps needed to prepare for next year.

7  The High School & Beyond Plan is a typed, 5-paragraph essay usually written in your senior year of high school.  The essay will have a heading that includes the student’s name, “High School & Beyond Plan”, and the date.

8  Your Career Pathway and career that is most interesting to you. This should include the reasons you selected the pathway/career.

9  The postsecondary education or training you will need to pursue this career and the steps you have taken during your junior/senior year to prepare for and apply to these choices.  The course you took during high school to prepare for postsecondary education/training and for your career.

10  The Career Planning Activities you completed during high school to prepare for your career, including job shadows, internships, research and volunteer service.  The plan you have made to finance the next several years of your life.  And finally, your backup-plan in case you cannot attend your first-choice post secondary school/training.

11  Introduction  Explain that the purpose of the SLC is to address these questions: What have I accomplished in school this year? What do I hope to do in the future? Who am I?  Ask your guests if they have any questions for you  Thank your guests for attending your conference

12  Discuss your classes and teachers (don’t forget to share work from your portfolio). Which classes have you enjoyed? Which are the most challenging?  Explain your plans to improve academically.  Discuss your academic plan and the classes you plan to take next year. Why do you want to take these classes? What do your electives say about you?

13  What do you want to do after high school? What are your interests?  Explain what you’ve learned about life after high school and postsecondary education.  What areas do you feel like you have a good understanding of? What areas do you have questions about or need additional help?

14  Discuss what’s most important to you: The activities you do in your free time. The activities you’re involved in at school. (Which activities? Why?) Your contributions to the larger community (Volunteer Service).  Explain what you’ve accomplished this year that you are most proud of

15  Sign up for an SLC time that will work for you and your guests from your Advisor’s schedule.  Fill in the name of the person you’re inviting and the date and time you chose for your SLC on the invitation postcard.  Get the address label from your Advisor, verify it is correct, and stick it on your SLC postcard.  Return your postcard to your Advisor to be mailed home.  Confirm with your guests that the time will work and reschedule with your Advisor if necessary.

16  Plan what you want to say: You will be given an outline in T-Bird Futures to help you prepare. Plan both what you’ll say and what you’ll show from your portfolio.  Practice, practice, practice! You’ll have some time in T-Bird Futures to practice for your conference, but you should also practice on your own. Get a friend to listen and ask questions.

17  Dress and behave appropriately: Plan to wear dress clothes to your conference. You want to look and act your best!  Be prompt and prepared: Make sure you arrive on time for your conference, and make sure you have your portfolio with you.  Be polite: Start your conference by introducing your guests to your advisor. End your conference by thanking them for taking the time to attend.

18  Be passionate!!! This conference is your chance to share who you are – and what you want to get out of school. Speak up – don’t talk in a monotone! Make eye contact Be proud of what you’ve accomplished and honest about what you want to improve

19  Schedule your SLC and prepare your SLC Invitation Postcard  Review the Culminating Project Checklist for your grade level and make sure you have everything that you are supposed to have.  Verify that you have met the 90% requirement for Career Cruising and work on it if necessary.  SENIORS: Work on your High School & Beyond Plan if it is not finished.

20 Place finish “High School and Beyond Plans” under “Student as a Planner” behind your “High School and Beyond Worksheet” given today.

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