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WVDE Update: Policy Driven Program Change

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Presentation on theme: "WVDE Update: Policy Driven Program Change"— Presentation transcript:

1 WVDE Update: Policy Driven Program Change
Dr. Barb Brady WVDE School Counseling Coordinator

2 Presentation Outline School Counseling Program Description
Big Rock Changes to Policy Redefined Delivery Systems Personalized Learning Plans Student Success Standards Overview County Board Responsibilities Implications for the Role of the School Counselor The WV School Counseling Model New Definitions

3 WVBE Policy 2315: Comprehensive School Counseling Programs
Was on comment through March 17th Will go to State Board for Approval in April

4 Policy 2315 Big Rock Changes
Paradigm shift that focuses more on defining the program and student outcomes NEW Student Success Standards REPLACE school counseling program standards

5 §126-67-3. Comprehensive School Counseling Program Description POLICY Language
3.1. The CSCP is an integral part of the total school program and is aligned with the school’s mission. The CSCP is a proactive, systemic approach to assist students with the acquisition of attitudes, knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to maximize student success and preparation for a variety of postsecondary options. The CSCP provides universal prevention for all students, targeted interventions for at-risk students and intensive interventions for the most at-risk students.

6 §126-67-3. Comprehensive School Counseling Program Description POLICY Language
3.1. (continued) The CSCP is standards-based, designed to developmentally and sequentially address the WVSSS within each programmatic level. The CSCP utilizes school and community data to identify student needs in relation to the CSCP and to set annual priorities for the WVSSS. A certified school counselor, in collaboration with school and community stakeholders, will develop an Annual CSCP Plan in order to coordinate and implement a CSCP designed to address student needs. The CSCP contains four distinct delivery systems.

7 Policy 2315 Big Rock Changes
Four Delivery Systems Described – 3 Renamed OLD New Guidance Curriculum Integrated Delivery of WV Student Success Standards Individualized Student Planning Personalized Student Planning Responsive Services Systems Support Student Supports

8 Policy 2315 Big Rock Changes
Comprehensive School Counseling Programs (CSCPs) are: Collaboratively delivered Embedded into the total school program Data driven Standards focused Growth focused Guided by: The CSCP Program Audit (assesses program completeness) Annual School Counseling Plan (establishes annual goals/priority, drives continuous program growth)


10 Policy 2315 Big Rock Changes
Includes terms not previously defined: Confidentiality Equity and Access Global Citizenship Crisis Response Ethical Standards Informed Consent Early Identification FERPA

11 Delivery Systems 5.1.a. Personalized Student Planning – Personalized student planning includes providing opportunities for students to discover their interest in emerging careers. Ongoing opportunities at all programmatic levels are provided during the school day for career exploration and self-discovery. Personalized planning allows student to develop academic skills, identify interests, maximize strengths, minimize weaknesses, set and reach personal/educational goals and realize their career aspirations. A Personalized Education Plan (hereinafter PEP) is developed collaboratively, involving students, parents/guardians and school staff.

12 Delivery Systems 5.1.b. Integrated Delivery of WV Student Success Standards – The WVSSS (see incorporated documents) describe the attitudes, knowledge, skills and behaviors all students shall develop in relation to academic and learning development; career and life planning; personal and social development; and global citizenship. The WVSSS are critical to the holistic development of all students and require integration into all aspects of each student’s educational experience utilizing a variety of delivery modalities. The WVSSS are the foundational standards for each CSCP. The integrated delivery of these standards is coordinated by the school leadership team, the school counselor and teachers.

13 Policy 2315 Big Rock Changes
Role of the school counselors… is now defined and evaluated in other policies and documents developed since the 2002 version, including: WVBE Policy Approval of Educational Personnel Preparation Programs WVBE Policy Performance Evaluation of School Personnel WV School Counselor Performance Standards WV Comprehensive School Counseling Model

14 Delivery Systems 5.1.c. Responsive Services – 3 core concepts
School interventions for at-risk students Referral to school & community resources – targeted students Crisis prevention and Response plans

15 Delivery Systems 5.1.c. Responsive Services – (continued) The school counselor collaborates with stakeholders to create a school-wide, prevention-based approach to individual and school crises and has a crisis plan in place to address the mental health component of common school-wide crises. The school crisis team educates other stakeholders to assist with school-wide crisis preparedness, prevention, intervention and response, outlining responsibilities and best practices in the school crisis planning and response.

16 Delivery Systems 5.4.d. Student Supports –The student support component of the CSCP consists of a systemic, school-wide coordinated approach of developing and implementing programs and activities within the school and community aimed at supporting the success of all students. High quality education programs provide well-designed student support systems, ensuring that the learning environment is safe and supportive and that the academic, social and emotional, and career development needs of students are identified and addressed.

17 Delivery Systems 5.4.d. Student Supports – (continued) The school counselor collaborates with stakeholders to ensure school-wide coordination of the CSCP and other student support programs. Schools design and identify programs and resources that address identified student needs and enhance the success of each child. Additionally, students and families may seek support to address their unique academic, career and personal-social needs. Examples: Expanded School Mental Health Academic Support Programs (tutoring, after-school programs, etc. School-wide bully prevention programs PBIS Mentoring Advisor-Advisee

18 Policy 2315 Big Rock Changes
NEW West Virginia Student Success Standards REPLACE school counseling program standards Everyone’s responsibility to support student success Course Integration Cross walk tools – NxtGen Standards E-learning course being developed in each content area Other professional development available upon request Standards-based advisory systems School leadership team determines priorities and delivery schedule (who, what, when) Systemically embedded in early learning framework Student data (Middle and high school needs assessments, discipline referrals, bullying incidences, dropout rate, culture survey, etc.)

19 §126-67-9. Summary of West Virginia Student Success Standards
9.1. The WVSSS and objectives outline the knowledge, skills and dispositions essential to support all students being college- and career-ready through an integrated, embedded process involving all school staff at each programmatic level.

20 How the Student Success Standards were Developed
Reviewed the current standards in Policy 2315 and the revised version from the Model Task Force. Reviewed other state and national standards and documents including: ASCA National Standards (same as 2001 Policy 2315) Policy 4373 Utah Office of Education Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance Program (global citizenship) Connecticut State Board of Education Comprehensive School Counseling Program (programmatic levels) Council of Chief State School Officers (Global Competence Matrix) National Association of School Psychologists (School Mental Health) National Association for the Education of Young Children (developmentally appropriate practices) National Endowment for Financial Education College Board: National Office for School Counselor Advocacy National High School Center - College and Career Readiness: Mapping the Landscape

21 Policy 2315 Timeline April 2014 State Board Approval July 1, 2014
Oct – Jan. 2013 WVDE Internal Stakeholder Group Policy Review/ Revisions January 2013 External Stakeholder Group Policy Review Revisions February 12, 2014 WVDE – Placed on 30 Day Comment July 1, 2014 Policy Becomes Effective April 2014 State Board Approval March 12, 2014 End of Comment Period and Final Board Approval February – Ongoing Professional Development Including Virtual Courses July – Jan. 2014 Internal Review Finalize Policy

22 Policy 2315 Big Rock Changes
CSCP Four Student Standards areas: ACADEMIC/LEARNING DEVELOPMENT CAREER DEVELOPMENT/LIFE PLANNING PERSONAL/SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP Programmatic Level Competencies (Elementary [3 levels], Middle and High School) Competencies grouped by overarching Learner Outcomes

23 Policy 2315 Big Rock Changes
School leadership team determines priorities and delivery schedule (who, what, when, how) Student data (Middle and high school needs assessments, discipline referrals, bullying incidences, dropout rate, culture survey, etc.) Community data (crime, violence, poverty rate, disasters Systemically embedded in early learning framework Programmatic level indicators designed to be purposefully within each programmatic level


25 Student Success Standards (continued)






31 Preliminary Composite Cross-Walk

32 Cross-walk Integration Guide SAMPLE – English/Language Arts


34 Delivery System Component Elementary School % of Time
Use of Time Chart Removed to facilitate a collaborative delivery approach - all program components Delivery System Component Elementary School % of Time Middle School % of Time High School Guidance Curriculum 35%-40% 25%-35% 15%-25% Individual Student Planning 5%-10% Responsive Services 30%-40% System Support 10%-15% 15%-20% 2002 WVDE Policy 2315


36 §126-67-4. County Board Responsibilities
4.1. Each county board of education shall ensure that the CSCP:

37 §126-67-4. County Board Responsibilities
4.1. Each county board of education shall ensure that the CSCP:

38 §126-67-4. County Board Responsibilities
4.1. Each county board of education shall ensure that the CSCP:


40 Program Audit – Assessing Program Completeness

41 Job Description Alignment
Are county/school job descriptions aligned with the WV School Counseling Model and WV Performance Descriptors? Model Job descriptions have been created to align with new standards. Appendix A in Model booklet Overarching job descriptions Programmatic level – recommendations Institutional Ed./ Vocational Technical Schools Job descriptions should support counselors being able to be ‘accomplished’.

42 County boards shall…. 7.3. Each county board of education shall revise and submit for approval to the WVDE a CSCP policy for schools aligned with requirements set forth in this policy. The initial and subsequent revisions will be submitted to the WVDE by October 1.

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