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vocales fuertes y débiles

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Presentation on theme: "vocales fuertes y débiles"— Presentation transcript:

1 vocales fuertes y débiles
Repaso de acentuación y vocales fuertes y débiles

2 Though accentuation in English is random, in Spanish there are specific rules:

3 The Rule of the Last Letter.
If a word ends in a vowel, n, or s, stress the next to the last syllable of the word. This is called The Rule of the Last Letter.

4 Examples: Argentina oficina plato mesa colores hablan

5 If a word ends in a consonant, stress the last syllable:
libertad digital principal color animal

6 If there is a written accent mark in the word, stress the marked syllable:
pronunciación acentuación séptimo práctica matemáticas

7 The written accent is ALWAYS on a vowel.

8 Vocales fuertes: Vocales débiles:
a, e, o i, u

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