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Lesson 14 Vocabulary. elastic Something that is elastic stretches easily. Name something that is elastic.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 14 Vocabulary. elastic Something that is elastic stretches easily. Name something that is elastic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 14 Vocabulary

2 elastic Something that is elastic stretches easily. Name something that is elastic.

3 elongates Something that elongates stretches to a longer length. Why do you think a water drop elongates?

4 rigid An object that is rigid is stiff and does not change shape easily. Would you be comfortable sleeping on a rigid mattress? Explain.

5 accumulate When things accumulate, they collect over time. What happens when snowflakes accumulate?

6 underlying Something that is underlying is located below or beneath something. What are some underlying reasons that you should exercise and eat healthful foods?

7 intricate If something is intricate, it is complicated or involved and has many small parts or details. Would it be easy to find your way out of an intricate maze? Why or why not?

8 vanish To vanish is to disappear suddenly. What do you use to make a pencil mark vanish?

9 replenishing Replenishing something means refilling it or making it complete again. Why is replenishing the water in a dog’s water bowl important?

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