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City of Royal Oak Strategic Planning Session January 22 & 23, 2010 Final Report To The City Commission February 1, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Royal Oak Strategic Planning Session January 22 & 23, 2010 Final Report To The City Commission February 1, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Royal Oak Strategic Planning Session January 22 & 23, 2010 Final Report To The City Commission February 1, 2010

2 Mission Vision Goals Objectives Measures Why we exist What we want to be Indicators and Monitors of success Desired level of performance and timelines Planned Actions to Achieve Objectives O1 O2 AI1 AI2 AI3 M1M2M3 T1 Specific outcomes expressed in measurable terms (NOT activities) Strategic Plan Action Plans Evaluate Progress Targets Initiatives What we must achieve to be successful Organizational Effectiveness

3  Review, Update, Endorse – Vision & Mission  Establish Goals In Six Core Areas  Establish Objectives In Each of the Six Core Areas  The Core Areas Are… › Fiscal Responsibility › Public Safety › Communication › Community › Infrastructure › Economic/Tax Base Our Focus

4 What Are We Thinking?




8 Mr. Johnson, City Manager and Ms. Rudd, Director of Finance, presented a report that included the financial outlook for the State of Michigan, Oakland County and the City of Royal Oak. The statistics and trends outlined a very troublesome period ahead for the City’s finances. The report, although not included in this presentation, provided the foundation for the urgency and focus that drove this two day process. The message and information contained in the report focused much attention on the fiscal issues facing the City. In identifying the Goals and Objectives during this process, it should be noted the financial issues were of greatest priority. Brett Tillander Facilitator Critical Financial Forecast Presentation

9 Vision Statement Royal Oak is a dynamic balance of progressive vision and traditional values which offers an inviting, premier and diverse community for all. Mission Statement Royal Oak provides a safe, healthy and sustainable community. Vision & Mission Statements

10 Communication – To proactively promote meaningful, open and respectful dialogue that ensures effective decision making. City of Royal Oak – Goals 18-24 months

11 Community - To preserve neighborhoods by encouraging community involvement and family activities; and further to be recognized as a destination for entertainment, recreation and cultural opportunities. City of Royal Oak – Goals 18-24 months

12 Economic/Tax Base – Encourage and support diverse investment to maximize property values and facilitate employment opportunities and desirable housing. City of Royal Oak – Goals 18-24 months

13 Fiscal Management – To preserve Royal Oak as a safe and healthy community through sound fiscal policy, strategic planning, prompt decisive actions and effective management of taxpayers assets. City of Royal Oak – Goals 18-24 months

14 Infrastructure – To sustain, replace and enhance Royal Oak’s infrastructure to promote efficient delivery of beneficial services. City of Royal Oak – Goals 18-24 months

15 Public Safety – To protect all persons and property in Royal Oak by providing the highest quality public services possible in the most efficient manner. City of Royal Oak – Goals 18-24 months

16 Communication – To proactively promote meaningful, open and respectful dialogue that ensures effective decision making. A.Promote customer feedback system on continuous basis (Immediate Action, City Commission) B.Develop centralized public relations message (8/1/10, City Manager) C.Explore live streaming of meetings (8/1/10, Information Services) City of Royal Oak – Objectives 18-24 months

17 Community - To preserve neighborhoods by encouraging community involvement and family activities; and further to be recognized as a destination for entertainment, recreation and cultural opportunities. A.Community show “Insight on video” est. commercials to advertise downtown (6/1/10, City Manager, WROK Mgr directs Cable and City Commission) B.Promote Neighborhood Associations and utilize Mobile community meetings to increase communication - 2 per calendar year March/Sept (9/1/10, City Manager) C.Promote Art Incubator (9/1/10, City Manager and Planning Department) City of Royal Oak – Objectives 18-24 months

18 Economic/Tax Base – Encourage and support diverse investment to maximize property values and facilitate employment opportunities and desirable housing. A.Streamline permit process (6/10/10, City Manager and Department Heads) B.Create process reducing time and cost (4/1/10, Department Heads/City Manager) C.Incentives to assist homesteaders to purchase homes (6/1/10, Administration) D.Actively contact national, regional and local brokers to promote Royal Oak and available properties (3/1/10, City Manager and DDA ) E.DDA/Chamber to promote commercial aspect of city (4/1/10, City Manager and DDA) City of Royal Oak – Objectives 18-24 months

19 Fiscal Management Page 1 – To preserve Royal Oak as a safe and healthy community through sound fiscal policy, strategic planning, prompt decisive actions and effective management of taxpayers assets. A.Strategic plan memorialized (2/1/10, City Commission) B.Adoption of 2 year Budget (6/30/10, City Manager, City Commission and Department Heads) C. Prioritize services (6/30/2010, City Commission, City Manager & Department Heads) D.Define labor strategy (7/1/10, City Commission, City Manager & City Attorney) E.Contract strategy/negotiations, staffing numbers and staff allocation (Immediate action, City Commission, City Manager & City Attorney) City of Royal Oak – Objectives 18-24 months

20 Fiscal Management Page 2 – To preserve Royal Oak as a safe and healthy community through sound fiscal policy, strategic planning, prompt decisive actions and effective management of taxpayers assets. E.Revenue Strategy (7/1/10 City Manager, Finance Department and City Commission) F.Lobby State of Michigan for relief (Immediate Action, City Commission) 1. Act 57; 2. Act 312; 3. Proposal “A”; 4. Headlee Amendment; and, 5. Local Drink Tax City of Royal Oak – Objectives 18-24 months

21 Infrastructure – To sustain, replace and enhance Royal Oak’s infrastructure to promote efficient delivery of beneficial services. A.Enact City Hall modification plan (4/1/10, City Manager/City Commission) B.Review and enhance inter-city / county / governmental cooperation plan (7/1/10, City Manager/Department Heads) C.Identify and analyze non-productive assets (7/1/10, City Manager, City Commission, Department Heads) D.Prepare a new capital improvement plan (7/1/10, City Manager, City Commission, Plan Commission, Dept Heads) City of Royal Oak – Objectives 18-24 months

22 Public Safety (Page 1) – To protect all persons and property in Royal Oak by providing the highest quality public services possible in the most efficient manner. A.Identify additional revenue sources 1. Lobby legislature for enhanced revenue opportunities (8/1/10, City Commission) 2.Identify and increase grant funding opportunities (Immediate, Department Heads) 3.Explore the feasibility of a public safety millage (8/1/10, City Commission) City of Royal Oak – Objectives 18-24 months

23 Public Safety (Page 2) – To protect all persons and property in Royal Oak by providing the highest quality public services possible in the most efficient manner. B. Explore Cost Savings through: 1.Comprehensive review of public safety staffing levels and allocations to minimize the impact of projected budget constraints (4/1/10, City Manager) 2.Explore consolidation of dispatch and lock-up facilities (2/1/11, City Manager, Police Chief) 3.Explore privatization, consolidation and reorganization of services including the use of part-time employees (8/1/10, Department Heads) 4.Explore rebid of outside vendors and services where savings may be gained (8/1/10, City Manager, City Commission) City of Royal Oak – Objectives 18-24 months

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