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Published byCamren Appleby Modified over 10 years ago
IDEA Federal Application Personnel and Contract Reporting
Personnel Qualifications as Defined under IDEA/ECEA Special Education Personnel (teachers, special service providers and administrators) must be Qualified as authorized by: (IDEA) The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (federal law) and by (ECEA) Exceptional Children’s Educational Act (state law) State Special Education Personnel Standards Section 3.04 Personnel Qualifications ECEA requires the caseload match (as reported on the December Count): 51% or more of the reported student caseload must be appropriate for the license and endorsement of the provider 2
Special Education Personnel Qualifications Provider must hold a valid CO license with an appropriate special education endorsement for the assignment and student caseload (as reported on the December Count) or be employed on the basis of one of the following: SEE - Special Educator Eligibility TTE - Temporary Teacher Eligibility TEI - Temporary Educational Interpreter 3
If a teacher is denied position approval status on the December Count due to holding an inappropriate special education endorsement for the student caseload, this same teacher, in the same assignment, will not be allowed funding through Federal funds. Job Class Codes must be consistent between the Federal Applications and December Count collections, for example: A position is reported on the Federal Application as JCC 202 SPED Teacher (no caseload required) The same individual is also reported on the December Count, but reported as JCC 218 Teacher Mentor (bypassing the caseload requirement) The position is in fact a teaching position and should be reported consistently in both collections. If the teacher does not hold appropriate credentials, the AU must have the teacher obtain the proper sped endorsement for the caseload via either: the SEE process or obtaining the added endorsement (SPED GENERALIST only) via 24 hours or content assessment through Educator Licensing Alignment Between Federal Application Personnel and December Count Personnel 4
5 Part B Flow Through4027 Preschool Flow Through4173 Part B ARRA 4391 Preschool ARRA4392 Part B Competitive Grants 5027 or 6027 Preschool Competitive Grants5373 or 6173 State ECEA (Special Education) or Local3130 State Share - Special Education Preschool3131 For any other fund sources used in support of special education services, please refer to Federal and State Grants as listed on the School Finance website. Fund Sources IDEA, ECEA, Local Funds 5
For personnel who provide services to both general and special education student populations, the AU is required to: conduct Time and Effort study report only the FTE attributed to special education students Examples of these positions are: Nurses School Psychologists Social Workers Counselors Administrators (who supervise/coordinate services in areas other than special education) Personnel serving both General and Special Education Students 6
The AU is required to report separate staff records for personnel whose positions are: funded out of two or more fund sources are reported in two or more projects have two or more assignments (e.g. provider holds licensure as a School Psychologist and as a special education teacher) and provides services in both areas report one staff record for Job Class Code 236-School Psychologist report one staff record for Job Class Code 202-SPED Teacher Remember: T ime and Effort requirements! Split Funding or Multiple Assignments 7
Proper Job Class Codes and Position Assignments
A Few Helpful Hints: Pay close attention to the actual assignment of the provider. Verify the provider’s CO license type and SPED endorsement. This is VERY IMPORTANT in determining the Job Class Code selection. Unsure of the Job Class Code to use? Contact CDE with your questions before coding a provider incorrectly. Incorrect coding may result in a non-compliance determination due to licensure/endorsement not being appropriate for the reported category. A complete list of Job Class Codes may be found at: Not Sure How to Code a Position? 9
Educator Licensing Status Check Website In order to determine the appropriate Job Class Code to report, please log into the Educator Licensing website to verify the provider’s licensure and endorsement status. Website link: 10
It is the responsibility of the AU to periodically check the licensure status for personnel reported on the initial Federal Application who have not been approved due to licensure issues. It is not the responsibility of CDE to monitor the licensure status of your staff. If a provider does not have an appropriate license issued through Educator Licensing at the time you submit an amendment, that provider should be taken off the application and replaced with a fully licensed individual whose position fits within the scope of the Project Narrative. Licensure Verification prior to Application Amendment Cycle 12
Codes…. Codes… MORE and MORE Codes!!! Specific Coding Scenarios 13
Special Education Coordinators/Supervisors Special Education Consultants salaried or contracted staff It is very common for an AU to miscode these positions. Please use the following information as a guide for proper coding. Instructional or Non-Instructional Personnel 14
Use These Codes if the Provider… JCC 107 Instructional Program Coordinator/Supervisor JCC 215 Instructional Program Consultant Coordinates, manages or directs services within an instructional program or areas of instruction. Consults in the management or direction of instructional programs or areas of instruction. Personnel is required to hold a CO teaching license with an appropriate instructional endorsement for the program or services provided. 15
Or These Codes if the Provider… JCC 108 Non-Instructional Program Coordinator/Supervisor JCC 335 Non-Instructional Program Consultant Coordinates, manages or directs services within an non-instructional program or areas of instruction. Consults in the management or direction of services within a non-instructional program. (e.g. licensed School Psychologist or School Social Worker) Personnel is required to hold a CO special services license with an appropriate special services endorsement for the program or services provided. (e.g., School Psychologist, School Social Worker) 16
Motor Services Personnel Use JCC 234 Occupational Therapist if… Use JCC 235 Physical Therapist if… The provider performs services that address the functional needs of an individual relating to self-help skills; adaptive behavior and play; and sensory, motor, and postural development. The provider performs activities including physical methods of treatment and rehabilitation. Personnel is required to hold a CO special services license with either OT or PT endorsement, depending on the assignment and reported Job Class Code. 17
School Mental Health Services Behavior and Social Support Use JCC 236 School Psychologist Use JCC 237 School Social Worker School Psychologists evaluate and analyze students’ behavior by measuring and interpreting their intellectual, emotional, and social development; and diagnosing their educational and personal problems. Social Workers help individuals increase their capacities for problem solving and coping, and help obtain needed resources. Personnel is required to hold a CO special services license with either School Psychologist or School Social Worker endorsement, depending on the assignment and reported Job Class Code. 18
Interns have very specific licensing and reporting requirements. Some Things to Remember: You must report Interns with Employment Status Code 08-Intern. Individuals completing an in-state program must obtain the Intern Authorization through Educator Licensing. ht tp:// Individuals completing an out-of-state program are not eligible for the Intern Authorization and the AU must complete both the Temporary Teacher Eligibility (TTE) application and The Temporary Educator Eligibility application through Educator Licensing. Interns School Psychologist School Social Worker 19
School Counselor JCC 211 School Counselor Counselors guide individuals and families by assisting them in problem-solving, decision-making, discovering meaning, and articulating goals related to personal, educational, and career development. Remember!! Counselors provide services to both general and special education student populations. Your AU must conduct a Time and Effort study and report only the FTE attributed to special education students. This position is a traditional high school guidance counselor. 20
School Mental Health Services Job Class Code Selection School Psychologists (Job Class Code 236) evaluate and analyze students’ behavior by measuring and interpreting their intellectual, emotional, and social development; and diagnosing their educational and personal problems. Social Workers (Job Class Code 237) help individuals increase their capacities for problem solving and coping, and help obtain needed resources. The Job Class Codes for individuals employed in these positions are commonly MISCODED. Please verify, per the Educator Licensing Website, the licensure status of the individual and align with the appropriate Job Class Code. 21 Counselors (Job Class Code 211) guide individuals and families by assisting them in problem-solving, decision-making, discovering meaning, and articulating goals related to personal, educational, and career development.
Short Term Substitute Teachers Substitute teacher positions are defined in the CDE School Finance Chart of Accounts as: Full-time, part-time, and prorated portions of the costs for work performed by employees of the school district who are hired on a temporary or substitute basis. These positions do not require an individual staff record, but rather, the lump sum dollar amounts are reported under: 0120 Salaries of Temporary Employees If the substitute is hired as a short term replacement for an instructional staff member - report the amount under the Instructional Budget If the substitute is hired as a short term replacement for a support staff member - report the amount under the Support Budget 22
Licensure Verification for Short Term Substitute Teachers Short term or daily substitute teachers are required to hold an appropriate CDE license. CDE does not verify the licensure records for substitutes. Why? - it is the responsibility of the AU to determine if the substitute holds appropriate credentials How? - by logging into the CDE Educator Licensing Website 23
If a substitute is hired to fill a vacant position or fill a long term substitute position, the individual must hold a valid Colorado Initial or Professional license with appropriate endorsement for the assignment. EXAMPLE: Your AU has assigned a long term substitute to fill in for a permanent employee who is out on leave for a specific period of time. If the permanent employee is being paid while on leave: the AU may report the permanent employee only for the paid leave period If the permanent employee is out on unpaid leave: the AU would report the long term substitute teacher Long Term Substitute Teachers 24
Stipends are defined in the Chart of Accounts as: Additional/Extra Duty Pay/Stipend. Amounts paid to employees of the school district in either temporary or permanent positions for work performed in addition to the employee’s regular work assignment. Additional/extra duty pay/stipend includes compensation for such assignments as coaching, co-curricular activity sponsorship, supplemental pay for curriculum development, for night school, etc. These payments do not require an individual staff record, but rather, the lump sum dollar amounts are reported under Stipends on the Federal Application and EOY web based systems 0150 Stipends Example of Stipend Payments: individual attends a workshop/conference during evening hours, weekends, or summer break Stipends 25
Specialty Teachers are defined as teachers providing services in the areas of: Art Music PE (adaptive) Family and Consumer Education Industrial Arts Specialty Teachers are required to hold the appropriate specialty area endorsement on a CO teaching license. How to Code a Specialty Teacher: Job Class Code = 202 Teaching Subject Area = 4 digit specialty area code Admin/Instructional Code = 0037 Specialty Teacher Specialty Teachers 26
Home/Hospital Teachers are required to hold a CO teaching license with either an endorsement in special education or in an area of general education, e.g., Elementary Education. How to Code a Home/Hospital Teacher: Job Class Code = 202 Teaching Subject Area = 1700 Special Education Admin/Instructional Code = 0032 Home/Hospital Instruction Home/Hospital Teachers for Students with Disabilities 27
ECSE endorsement is appropriate for Pre-K teachers only and is not applicable for kindergarten or primary grade teachers. The current license/endorsement age level designation is 0-8: this is only for teachers providing services to students attending preschool programs, and whose age level might exceed the typical age range for preschool How to Code an ECSE Teacher: Job Class Code = 202 Teaching Subject Area = 1791 Preschooler with a Disability Admin/Instructional Code = 0035 Early Childhood/Pre-Kindergarten Level = Preschool - 2 Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Teachers 28
ECSE Special Education Teachers (Preschool) Appropriate Endorsement for Student Caseload (as reported on the December Count) 51% or more of the ECSE teacher’s student caseload reflects services provided to students identified as preschoolers with a disability. Position is determined to be compliant on the December Count. This teacher’s position is eligible for federal funding and can be approved on the Federal Application, providing the position fits within the scope of the Project Narrative. 29 If the teacher holds dual endorsements in ECE/ECSE and provides services to both preschoolers with a disability and regular education preschoolers or CPP, only the FTE attributed to special education may be reported on the Federal Application.
ECSE Special Education Teachers (Preschool) Inappropriate Endorsement for Student Caseload (as reported on the December Count) 51% or more of the ECSE teacher’s student caseload is not appropriate (e.g., reported students are not identified as preschoolers with a disability) Position is determined to be out-of-compliance on the December Count. This teacher’s position is not eligible for federal funding and cannot be approved on the Federal Application. 30
How to Code a K-12 Special Education Teacher: Job Class Code = 202 Teaching Subject Area = 1700 Special Education Admin/Instructional Code = 0002 Special Education Services Level may be any of the following: Elementary – 3 Middle School – 4 High School – 5 All Levels – 6 The All Levels designation should only be used for K-12 itinerant teachers Special Education Teachers (K-12) 31
Special Education Teachers (K-12) Appropriate Endorsement for Student Caseload (as reported on the December Count) Teacher holds a cross-categorical endorsement, e.g., Special Education Generalist. 51% or more of the entire SPED teacher’s student caseload (both primary and secondary) is appropriate for the SPED endorsement on the teacher’s CO license. The range of student disabilities on the caseload satisfies the 51% allowance. Position is determined to be compliant on the December Count. This teacher’s position is eligible for federal funding and can be approved on the Federal Application, providing the position fits within the scope of the Project Narrative. 32
Special Education Teachers (K-12) Inappropriate Endorsement for Student Caseload (as reported on the December Count) Teacher holds a categorical endorsement, e.g., Moderate Needs, SN Affective, SN Cognitive, etc. Teacher holds an older SPED endorsement, e.g., Educable Mentally Handicapped, Educationally Handicapped. 51% or more of the entire SPED teacher’s student caseload (both primary and secondary) is not appropriate for the SPED endorsement on the teacher’s CO license. The range of student disabilities on the caseload is broad-based and is not reflective of the 51% allowance. Position is determined to be out-of- compliance on the December Count. This teacher’s position is not eligible for federal funding and cannot be approved on the Federal Application. 33
How to Code a Low Incidence Teacher: Job Class Code = 202 Teaching Subject Area – Visually Impaired Specialist 1720 Vision Disability or 1700 Special Education Teaching Subject Area – Deaf/Hard of Hearing Specialist 1730 Hearing Disability or 1700 Special Education Admin/Instructional Code If 0002 if K-12 Level could be Elementary (3), Middle School (4) or High School (5) All Levels (6) designation should only be used for K-12 itinerant teachers If 0035 if Pre-K Level must be Preschool (2) Coding a Low Incidence Teacher Visually Impaired Specialist Deaf/Hard of Hearing Specialist 34
Things to Remember: The 51% allowance for an SLP is reflective of the students reported on the primary caseload only. The secondary caseload is not a factor in determining compliance for an SLP as they serve a broad range of students as a secondary provider. Coding a Speech-Language Pathologist 35
Speech-Language Pathologist Appropriate Endorsement for Student Caseload (as reported on the December Count) 51% or more of the SLP’s primary student caseload reflects services provided to students identified as having a speech disability. Position is determined to be compliant on the December Count. The SLP’s position is eligible for federal funding and can be approved on the Federal Application, providing the position fits within the scope of the Project Narrative. 36
Speech-Language Pathologist Inappropriate Endorsement for Student Caseload (as reported on the December Count) 51% or more of the SLP’s primary student caseload is not appropriate (e.g., majority of reported students are not identified having a speech disability) Position is determined to be out-of-compliance on the December Count. The SLP’s position is not eligible for federal funding and cannot be approved on the Federal Application. 37
Consultants hired on a purchase service contract for professional development only who: provide training to AU staff conduct conferences/workshops The AU must report both a contract and a staff record for this Consultant using Job Class Code 347 Staff Developer Do not use Job Class Code 347 if the Consultant is providing direct services or is conducting assessments for students. Contact CDE with questions regarding the proper Job Class Code to use. Consultants for Professional Development (conferences/workshops) 38
All personnel hired on a contracted basis requires both a contract and a staff record. If the staff is providing services under this contract as of December 1 st, you must also report this personnel on the December Count using Employment Status Code 04-Purchased Services If the contract separately lists a dollar amount for mileage add the mileage amount on the contract under 0580 Staff Travel If the contract includes equipment and supplies, these amounts must be reported: under the Budget Data section of the Federal Application using the proper Object Code these amounts should not be reported on the contract under 0599 (Other Purchased Services) Contracts 39
Editing/Deleting an Existing Contract with One Attached Staff Record 40 Contract is linked to one staff member, budgeted amount exceeds the actual amount paid. Follow these steps to Edit both the contract and staff record: 1. Find the individual’s staff record 2. Change employment status to 01-Active Employment 3. Then find the individual’s contract 4. Locate the “DELETE” button under the SSN and Salary – hit “DELETE” button 5. Re-add the SSN and actual Salary and hit “UPDATE” 6. Return to staff record, change the Salary to the actual amount 7. Change Employment Status to 04-Purchased Services – hit “ENTER” once 8. You will now have a comment saying “select contract” 9. Select the appropriate contract and update staff record
Editing/Deleting an Existing Contract with Multiple Attached Staff Records 41 Contract is linked to multiple staff members, budgeted amount exceeds the actual amounts paid. Follow these steps to Edit both the contract and multiple staff records: 1. Find all the individual staff records that requires a change 2. Change employment status to 01-Active Employment on each staff record 3. Then find the company contract that covers these staff 4. Locate the “DELETE” button under each individual SSN and Salary – hit “DELETE” button 5. Re-add the SSN and actual Salary for each individual that requires a change and hit “UPDATE” 6. Return to each individual staff record, change the Salary to the actual amount 7. Change Employment Status to 04-Purchased Services – hit “ENTER” once 8. You will now have a comment saying “select contract” 9. Select the appropriate company contract and update staff records
Federal Application Contact A Request Please Federal Application Contact A Request Please Please remember to share this information with the person(s) at your AU who are responsible for the submission of your Federal Applications, EOY Applications and December Count Respondents. Job Class Codes and Grant Project Codes for all individuals must be consistent between all CDE collections. SPED Teachers and SLP’s who are determined to be out-of- compliance due to student caseload implications on the December Count are not eligible for federal funding and should not be reported on your Federal Application (unless your AU has rectified the situation by a reassignment or the provider’s licensure status has changed, e.g., teacher adds an endorsement appropriate for the caseload). 42
Contact Information Berit Wallaker – Primary contact for: Federal Application Budget, Staff and Contracts End-of-Year Expenditures, Staff and Contracts Email: Phone: 303-866-6687 Lauren Rossini – Primary Contact for: Personnel Qualifications SEE, TTE and TEI Applications Proper Job Class Code classifications Email: Phone: 303 866-6688 43
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