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Linked Learning Landscape: California and the U.S.

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Presentation on theme: "Linked Learning Landscape: California and the U.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linked Learning Landscape: California and the U.S.

2 What is Linked Learning?

3 Linked Learning District Initiative 9 CA Districts, including Long Beach First six district grants renewed for two more years (incl. Long Beach) 25 Pathways certified; 25 more to be certified in next two years Pathway criteria revised to strengthen focus on equity and on teaching and learning

4 Federal Linked Learning Landscape Specific LL legislation being introduced by Sen. Casey (D-PA). Possible LL legislation in the House Linked Learning language incorporated into various labor and education related Senate bills, including ESEA legislation Strong Bipartisan CTE Caucus

5 Federal Carl Perkins Legislation $1.25 billion annually to fund CTE 2012 reauthorization goals Increased focus on integrating academics through project-based learning Better technical skill assessments Greater role for district systemic reform Better data systems linking secondary and post-secondary outcomes Transferability of dual enrollment credits

6 Linked Learning Landscape Across the Nation Due to Perkins, States have rapidly expanded implementation of career clusters… Florida Pennsylvania Colorado California

7 California Linked Learning Landscape Wide support for Linked Learning Included in SSPI Tom Torlakson’s “Blueprint” for Reform Green academies only new money for education this year AB2648 – Multiple Pathways to Student Success SB547 – Transformation of CA API

8 CA Blueprint for Great Schools Challenge: By 2025, CA will be short 1,000,000 college educated workers unless we change our current system Increase alignment of K-12 & post-secondary Remove barriers to dual enrollment Create strong linked learning pathways Modernize a-g requirements

9 California - SB 547 Sponsored by Darryl Steinberg, State Senate Leader Changes API to a new multiple measures system called the Education Quality Index (EQI) in 2013-14 For high school, the EQI includes indices for state assessments, graduation rate, college preparedness, and career readiness

10 Draft EQI Model


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