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Ch. 14 Tobacco Write a paragraph describing how you plan to spend the last 20 years of your life, or how you would like to live after you retire. Include.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 14 Tobacco Write a paragraph describing how you plan to spend the last 20 years of your life, or how you would like to live after you retire. Include."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 14 Tobacco Write a paragraph describing how you plan to spend the last 20 years of your life, or how you would like to live after you retire. Include things like: travel? possessions? house? $$$$? Write how smoking would affect your retirement plans. Smoking may cut 18 yrs off your life. You now only have 2 years to write about. You may also be unhealthy and have no money.

2 2 million adult smokers die each year 82% of adult smokers took their first cigarette before age 18 Each day 5,000 children light up for the 1st time 3,000 of them become regular smokers 1 in 5 H.S. seniors smoke regularly Addictive ingredient: Nicotine Acts as a stimulant

3 Financial Cost Smoking 1 pack per day at $5.00 per pack Week $35 Month $150 Year $1, year $18, year $36, year $73,000 Imagine 2 packs per day as some do?

4 Ch Section 2 More than 4,000 hazardous compounds from cigarette smoke Most harmful is tar Carcinogens: cancer causing agent (50 in smoke) A 2 pack a day smoker collects about 1 pound of tar in the lungs each year Effects: wrinkles skin, yellow teeth, bad breath, stinks Bronchitis, Emphysema, Smokers cough Cancer chart on page 380

5 Ch 14 Section 3 Mainstream smoke: smoke that passes through the cigarette into the smokers lungs Sidestream smoke: smoke that enters the air from the tip of the burning cigarette ETS: exhaled + sidestream Passive (2nd hand) smoke kills 53,000 per year Smoking Ban???

6 Ch 14 Section 4 Smokeless tobacco: called chew or snuff put in lower lip or cheek Quid is the name for a “dip” Produces the same addiction as smoking Oral cancers and mouth sores Leukoplakia- white patches

7 Ch 14 Section 5 Because of addiction, quitting is very tough!! 2 ways to quit gradually- tapering off cold turkey- all at once Fear of weight gain?? “Hand to mouth” replace cigarette with food Methods: gum, patches, inhalers

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