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Chapter 8: Exposition Comparing-and-Contrasting

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1 Chapter 8: Exposition Comparing-and-Contrasting

2 Comparing and Contrasting What is it?
The act of noting similarities and differences between two things Helps refine analytical skills

3 What is a Comparison-and-Contrast Essay?
Uses factual details to analyze similarities and differences between two or more persons, places, or things. Essays include: A topic involving two or more things that are in some ways similar and other ways different. An introduction that includes the main point and body paragraphs that highlight similarities and differences. An organization that highlights the points of comparison.

4 Types of Comparison and-Contrast Essays
Product Comparisons: analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of two or more products. Comparative Reviews: analyze books, movies, plays, or television programs and make a recommendation. Comparisons of Literary Works: Analyze similarities and differences of two or more literary works.

5 In-Class Work: Model from Literature
Read “Are Animals Smart?” by Bruce Brooks pp Answer the following questions in your notes and be prepared to discuss. What is the main idea of the essay? What are the similar and differing points in the essay? What do you think of the author’s assessment of the subject?

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