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Presentation of Clinical Scientific Methods IV. Program of Clinical Scientific Methods IV (1) Teachers:  Prof. Marcello Arca  Prof. Laura Giacomelli.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of Clinical Scientific Methods IV. Program of Clinical Scientific Methods IV (1) Teachers:  Prof. Marcello Arca  Prof. Laura Giacomelli."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of Clinical Scientific Methods IV

2 Program of Clinical Scientific Methods IV (1) Teachers:  Prof. Marcello Arca  Prof. Laura Giacomelli  Prof. Roberto Cangemi  Dott. Salvatore Guarino

3 Program of Clinical Scientific Methods V (2) Topics:  approach to the patient, interviewing and health history, history taking  data verification, ethical issues  vital signs ( blood pressure mesurements) and BLS

4 Program of Clinical Scientific Methods V (3) Topics:  data verification, ethical issues  clinical reasoning, assessment and plans  problems identification  patinets doctor relationship  ethical issues  medical vocabulary

5 Program of Clinical Scientific Methods V Practical activities Aim Individual practice employing the described techniques of physical examination Setting Small groups of students with a patient Week day, Time and Locations Wednesday 10-13 am Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche 4-6 pm Istituto ex I Clinica Medica (1° floor) 3-6 pm VII padiglione (1° floor)

6 Suggested text books  Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History-Taking - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - Lynn Bickley MD (Author) price € 118,99 or  Goldman’s Cecil medicine 24 th edition, price £ 115.00

7 Examination test* 2 tests:  Multiple choice questionnaire (30 questions). To pass the test at least 20 right answers are required  Practical test (with a patient) * This is an intermediate evaluation. The final examination will be performed at the end of the Clinical Scientific Methods VI (II semester - III year ). Evaluation  Passed/not passed

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