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AP Growth Report: 2014 Contributing to the success of the most sought after graduates by colleges, universities and the world of work.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Growth Report: 2014 Contributing to the success of the most sought after graduates by colleges, universities and the world of work."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Growth Report: 2014 Contributing to the success of the most sought after graduates by colleges, universities and the world of work.

2 Equity and Excellence Group2010 % 2011 % 2012 % 2013 % 2014 % How is this figured? Grad. Class Summ. 10. 8 16. 8 18. 3 19. 5 27. 4 # of seniors who scored 3 or higher on at least one AP exam at any point in HS divided by the total # of seniors 12 th Grade 7.712. 7 13. 3 14. 6 24. 7 # of AP students per grade level who scored 3 or higher on at least one AP Exam this year divided by the total # of students in each grade 11 th Grade 9.411. 6 14. 0 14. 2 20. 6 10 th Grade

3 AP Growth (Enrollment & Performance) '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 ‘13 ’14  # of AP Students 99 144 249 340 425 542 596  # of Exams Taken 158 222 442 684 807 1020 1101  Stud. Scoring 3+ 55 66 122 147 188 207 313* * Surpasses IDOE Goal of 25% (IDOE dashboard standard)

4 Growth Data Growth from ‘08 to ‘09: (exams not required, no AP Potential use) 44% increase in the number of students in AP classes 41% increase in the number of exams being taken 20% increase in students earning a score of 3+ Growth from ‘09 to '14: (exams required, AP Potential utilized) 313% increase in the number of students in AP classes 396% increase in the number of exams being taken 374% increase in students earning a score of 3+

5 What does this mean? In 2014, 313 Franklin Central students earned a total of 1,587 state college/university credits.  Those 1,065 credits come at a modest average cost of $350 per credit hour.  That means FCHS students saved $555,450 by participating in AP exams this year! For each student earning an Academic Honors Diploma, the district receives $900 to be used toward high-ability program development and/or implementation.  Honors Diploma requires 4 AP semesters and 2 exams  190 graduated with academic and/or FC Honors diplomas  FC grads earned $171,000 for the district last school year

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