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EIS General Information Click mouse to Advance…. What is EIS? The EIS is an Enterprise Information System that is used to track data for people and organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "EIS General Information Click mouse to Advance…. What is EIS? The EIS is an Enterprise Information System that is used to track data for people and organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 EIS General Information Click mouse to Advance…

2 What is EIS? The EIS is an Enterprise Information System that is used to track data for people and organizations related to or served by the Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services. The EIS allows for the integration of data across all service populations and providers. EIS is accessed over the internet.

3 Accessing EIS Attempting to access EIS information Your computer B.I.S. Getting EIS output on your screen The Internet

4 EIS as a Toolbox Think of the EIS as a toolbox, from which you will be able to pull tools that will help you with your job; and just as every carpenter knows, you have to know which tool to use to get the job done right.

5 EIS Components EIS is comprised of 11 component systems. These are the tools in the EIS toolbox that are available to help you do your job.

6 EIS Components PeoplePeople Information for people related to or served by the Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services, such as service recipients, related people, and employees and staff of contracted service organizations.Information for people related to or served by the Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services, such as service recipients, related people, and employees and staff of contracted service organizations.

7 EIS Components, cont’d OrganizationsOrganizations Tracks organizations that work with DHHS in some capacity, whether it be a provider or an education institution for a service recipient.Tracks organizations that work with DHHS in some capacity, whether it be a provider or an education institution for a service recipient.

8 EIS Components, cont’d PlanningPlanning Aids in helping DHHS workers to organize, track, and report on service plans for service recipients.Aids in helping DHHS workers to organize, track, and report on service plans for service recipients.

9 EIS Components, cont’d AssessmentsAssessments Used for all sorts of assessment tools like admission assessments, service recipient and staff satisfaction surveys, questionnaires tracking unmet needs, Mod V and certification for services.Used for all sorts of assessment tools like admission assessments, service recipient and staff satisfaction surveys, questionnaires tracking unmet needs, Mod V and certification for services.

10 EIS Components, cont’d Client TrackingClient Tracking Utilized for tracking physical location and treatment referrals of service recipients.Utilized for tracking physical location and treatment referrals of service recipients.

11 EIS Components, cont’d NotesNotes Allows for capturing narrative text on service recipients. Notes can be attached to a number of different EIS components like Plans, Assessments and Authorizations.Allows for capturing narrative text on service recipients. Notes can be attached to a number of different EIS components like Plans, Assessments and Authorizations.

12 EIS Components, cont’d Reportable EventsReportable Events Used to track critical events that involve service recipients or staff.Used to track critical events that involve service recipients or staff.

13 EIS Components, cont’d Service EncountersService Encounters (Future Functionality) Allows for the entering and tracking of services provided to service recipients.(Future Functionality) Allows for the entering and tracking of services provided to service recipients.

14 EIS Components, cont’d Financial Sources/UsesFinancial Sources/Uses (Future Functionality) Tracks financial information relating to billing, budgets and contracts for DHHS.(Future Functionality) Tracks financial information relating to billing, budgets and contracts for DHHS.

15 EIS Components, cont’d AuthorizationsAuthorizations Tracks prior authorizations on service recipients receiving services from DHHS.Tracks prior authorizations on service recipients receiving services from DHHS.

16 EIS Components, cont’d LicensingLicensing (Future Functionality) Tracks licensing information on providers contracted by DHHS.(Future Functionality) Tracks licensing information on providers contracted by DHHS.

17 My Events Reports Search People Organizations Notes Client Tracking Assessments Authorizations Service Encounters Reportable Events Plans Processes EIS – The Big Picture

18 EIS General Information End of Lesson (If you’d like to print this information out for future reference, click here and then click on the FILE menu, and then select PRINT. Then click on OK.) here Return to Introduction Page Return to Introduction Page

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