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Managing Natural Resources Chapter 4 Natural Resource Conservation Mr. Ham GHS AgriScience.

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1 Managing Natural Resources Chapter 4 Natural Resource Conservation Mr. Ham GHS AgriScience

2 Objective 4.1 Explain the importance of Natural Resource conservation Natural Resource Conservation: the wise use of natural resources Reasons for Conservation –Meet demand- people need natural resources to live –Maintain standard of living- running water, electricity, gasoline for automobiles

3 Examples of Conservation (group list of ways to conserve Natural Resources)

4 Examples Cropping Practices –No till –Contour plowing –Mulching –Crop rotation Recycling Reusing –Pallets –Irrigation water

5 Preventing damage –Prevent pollution that would injure other organisms Taking no more than needed –Buffalo –Black bear in Arkansas Avoid waste –Wash dishes, not disposable plates and cups –Long showers

6 The Ecosystem Interdependent relationship: all organisms depend on each other Symbolic relationship: species live together and benefit from each other

7 Objective 4.2 Identify major sources of Natural Resource damage Pollution: they cause Disease –Fecal matter Reduced growth –Abnormal leaves, stems and flowers –Defects of animals 2 headed calf 2 tail fish Missing parts

8 Reproduction –Sterile (DDT, pesticide) –Thin or no shell on bird eggs Death –Toxic to organism –Animal becomes entangled in debry

9 Objective 4.3 Distinguish between Point and Non-Point sources of pollution Point Source Pollution: the pollutant in discharged at places that can be seed or determined by laboratory testing –They are easy to locate a pinpoint –Raw sewer into a stream Non-Point Source Pollution: sources that cannot be directly identified

10 –Sources are often scattered over a wide area i.e. residential use of pesticides No single source of pollution

11 Objective 4.4 Trace major events in the history of Natural Resource conservation. Selected Events in U.S. History Conservation 1862 Morrill Act passed—set up a system of colleges to teach agriculture and related areas (Today, these schools teach and research many areas of conservation and environmental technology.)

12 1872 Yellowstone Park established—to preserve natural feature and scenic beauty of the area (first national park in the world) 1900 Lacey Act passed U.S. Congress– made transporting illegally killed wildlife across state lines a federal crime 1903 First wildlife refuge established at Pelican Island, Florida

13 1911 Weeks Lay passed by Congress– provided for multiple use of national forests and other public lands 1917 Smith-Hughes Act passed– provided federal funds local schools to use in teaching agriculture (Many schools have taught and continue to teach areas related to natural resources and the environment.)

14 1933 Civilian Conservation Corps established– workers planted trees, built dams to control floods, fought forest fires and constructed areas for viewing wildlife and nature 1933 Tennessee Valley Authority created– purpose war to conserve the resources of along the Tennessee River and promote hydroelectric power

15 1935 Soil Conservation Service established– purpose was to work with landowners in designing and promoting plans to conserve soil and water resources (Later changed to the Natural Resource Conservation Service.) 1937 Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act passed– levied a tax on sporting arms and ammunition to support wildlife management

16 1963 Clean Air Act passed– as initially passed and later amended, the Act set emission standards for automobiles and industry and set standards for air quality 1969 National Environmental Policy Act passed– required consideration of the environment in construction, including the preparation of impact statements

17 1970 Environmental Protection Agency created– sets and enforces rules and standards in pollution control 1973 Endangered Species Act passed– provided protection for threatened and endangered species of wildlife 1977 Department of Energy created– purpose was to promote conservation in use of fossil fuels and seek alternative sources of energy

18 1985 Conservation Reserve Program initiated– provided incentives for landowners to remove marginal land from production and use conservation practices 1993 North American Free Trade Agreement adopted– opened trade with Mexico and Canada; some consumers question conditions under which imported food crops are grown

19 1998 Federal deadline for replacing underground fuel tanks reached on December 22; new-type tanks that prevent fuel leaks required; thousands of gas stations failed to meet deadline

20 Objective 4.46 New Technologies Global Positioning Genetic engineering Biological pest control Minimum/ no-tillage cropping Wind and solar power Pesticide container reclamation Remote sensing

21 Objective 4.5 Identify leaders in the Natural Resource conservation movement John Muir (1838-1914): –Major explore of Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks in California –Encouraged President Theodore Roosevelt to take action to conserve the forest areas –Founded the Sierra Club in 1892

22 Theodore Roosevelt (1859-1919) –President (1901-1909) –Set up first wildlife refuse at Pelican Island, Florida in 1903 –Added millions of acres of forests to the Nations reserves

23 Aldo Leopold (1886-1948) –Pioneered the use of ecology in studying wildlife –Setup professional training in wildlife management Gifford Pinchot (1865-1946) –Headed the agency in the Federal government that is now the Forestry Service

24 Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) –Pushed legislation to protect natural resources –Encouraged all state legislatures to enact conservation laws –Established an agency for soil and water within the USDA

25 Hugh H. Bennett (1881-1960) –Known as the “Father of soil conservation” –First head of soil conservation service Rachel Carson (1907-1964) –Informed the public about the risk of pesticides –Wrote Silent Spring

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