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 Simultaneous display of photos (usually 6)  Lineup created and presented by investigator who knows who suspect is.

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Presentation on theme: " Simultaneous display of photos (usually 6)  Lineup created and presented by investigator who knows who suspect is."— Presentation transcript:



3  Simultaneous display of photos (usually 6)  Lineup created and presented by investigator who knows who suspect is

4  “Blind”- administrator of test does not know who the suspect is  “Blinded” - administrator knows who suspect is but test is administered in such a manner that administrator cannot see which photo W is viewing; W knows administrator does not know order  “Nonblind” – administrator knows who suspect is and can see which photo W is viewing; W knows administrator knows who suspect is

5  W wants to help & will look to investigator for cues (especially if good rapport)  Even most experienced professional who knows ID of suspect cannot eliminate possibility of unintentional cues  Simultaneous display encourages picking the person who looks most like perpetrator (regardless of whether it is the perpetrator)

6 Picking the person who looks most like the perpetrator is 100% wrong if real perpetrator is not in lineup. This is what happened in DNA exonerations.

7 Blind administration eliminates this as an issue

8  Sequential photo display  Blind or blinded administration

9 Someone other than an investigator who knows the identity of the suspect shows the lineup


11 If only investigator who knows ID of suspect is available to do lineup, he must do so in a manner that ensures he does not know and cannot see where suspect is

12 Number photos and folders (do not make suspect # 1); insert photo in folder with same number  If blind administrator is available, investigator who knows suspect ID may prepare folders  Otherwise, someone other than investigator who shows lineup must prepare folders (another investigator or even a civilian employee); this is the blinded procedure

13  Person who committed crime may or may not be included  I do not know if any person being investigated is included (blind) or I do not know the order of photos (blinded)  I will continue to show you all photos even if you ID someone  A photo may be an old one; some things like hair style may change; skin tones may look different in photos  Do not feel you have to make an ID; it is just as important to clear innocent as ID guilty; investigation will continue regardless  You will see only 1 photo at a time; they are in no particular order; take as much time as you need  Do not discuss procedure with any other W

14  Show only one photo at a time; remove from view before next photo is shown  After W has looked at each photo, ask “Is this the person who [describe act]?”  If no, go to next photo and repeat  If yes, ask “How certain are you of your selection?” Continue showing rest of photos  Note all comments W makes on any photo  If W asks for repeat, show all photos (in same order)  Keep track of number of cycles


16  Preserve copy of photos shown in order (simultaneous 6-pack template works well)  If ID made, have W sign photo picked  Report should include: ◦ Whether blind or blinded method used ◦ Instructions given to W ◦ Results of lineup ◦ If ID made, answer to level of certainty Q


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