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Ski Shop Assignment. Database Assignment Email this to your teacher when finished Save as “lastnameSkiShop.mdb” in your Access folder of your portfolio.

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Presentation on theme: "Ski Shop Assignment. Database Assignment Email this to your teacher when finished Save as “lastnameSkiShop.mdb” in your Access folder of your portfolio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ski Shop Assignment

2 Database Assignment Email this to your teacher when finished Save as “lastnameSkiShop.mdb” in your Access folder of your portfolio Input the following into a new table using design view: Make the fields: Store Name, Owner/Manager, Street Address, City Name, State, Zip Code

3 Create your table by entering data:

4 Tahoe Ski Shop Mike Jones, Owner 101 Incline Way Incline Village, NV 89320 King’s Beach Boards Jenny Johnson, Manager 3244 Slopes Rd. Kings Beach, CA 98442 Board and Beach Sam Santiago, Owner 3892 Main Street Tahoe City, CA 89372 Colkatem Ski Shop Emma Vic, Manager 705 Julian Way Augusta, CO 81081 Mogul Hut Jake Martinez, Owner 298 Hwy. 50 So. Lake Tahoe, CA 98983 Vail Ski Michelle Rampone, Manager 938 Mogul Ct. Vail, CO 89983 Board Biz Mario Ferendelli 938 Sugar Grove Way Breckenridge, CO 87390 Pete’s Board Shop Pete Diddy, Owner Sunny Way Panadero, CO 87390 Bella’s Boards and Biscuits Gracie Doodle, Owner Good Dog Way Breckenridge, CO 83928 Swoosh Co. Bill Johnson, Manager 473 Washington St. Loveland, CO 89340

5 Let Access set the primary key automatically. This option will pop up when you try to save your table…

6 Make sure you have everything entered correctly. Remember GIGO! Make a new form with Form Wizard. Make the form columnar. Open a Word document and key in your MLA heading. Printscreen the form you made to your Word document in form view. Run a query for all stores in CO (Colorado). Go into design view of your query and sort ascending by last name of the owner or manager. Copy both datasheet view and design view of the query to your word document. Run a quick report of your entire Ski Shops table and print screen to your Word document. Email you assignment to me with Ski Shops in your email subject line.

7 Query: Find all stores in CO

8 The Ski Shop Assignment: Be sure to have the MLA heading Be sure to have all 4 objects: –Table, form, query, report Spell check! Make sure titles are in title case (the first letter of the first word is capitalized).

9 First Name Last Name Mrs. Didero Comp. Lit. 8; 4 12/12/08

10 End

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