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Presentation on theme: "NEW MEXICO ACHIEVING COLLABORATIVE HEIGHTS IN EDUCATION VIA E-SYSTEMS (NM-ACHIEVES) NM Public Education Department NM Higher Education Department NM Children,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW MEXICO ACHIEVING COLLABORATIVE HEIGHTS IN EDUCATION VIA E-SYSTEMS (NM-ACHIEVES) NM Public Education Department NM Higher Education Department NM Children, Youth and Families Department NM Department of Workforce Solutions Presented to Department of Information Technology January 13, 2009

2 2 Project Overview  Introduction  Fundamental educational challenges remain in New Mexico, including:  How to address critical achievement gaps  How to track and demonstrate whether and how reforms and policies are making a difference.  New Mexico is building a decision-making culture centered on research, access to information and transparency.  Institute of Education Sciences (Department of Education) grant will fund development of statewide longitudinal data system, NM-ACHIEVeS.  Objectives  NM-ACHIEVeS will collect essential data elements from the state’s PreK, K-12, postsecondary and workforce databases to create a complete SLDS.  Expand understanding of data relationships  Report on information such as student progress and outcomes  Enhance the services delivered to customers  Project Goals:  Improve data quality and consistency;  Improve data access;  Expand and enhance data reporting;  Ensure appropriate user roles, security and access; and  Expand statewide training for data use to support instruction and policy.

3 3 Project Overview (cont’d)

4 Institutional Support Development Team  Secretary Veronica Garcia, PED  Secretary Viola Flores, HED  Data Warehouse Council Members  Joel Nudi, PED  Tyler Weldon, HED  Beata Thorstensen, OEA  Anya Dozier Enos, PED  Veronica Chavez Newman, HED  Scott Hughes, OEA  Minerva Carrera, PED  Robert Piro PED,  Mahalakshmi Khalapiraan, HED  Catherine Cross Maple, PED  Frances Ramirez-Maestas, LESC  Peter Winograd, Governor’s Office  Jami Grindatto, Intel, IENM  Jamai Blivin, IENM Key Points Three Year Project $20.0 Million Request The grants will be reviewed in February Awards announced end of April or early May, 2010

5 Veronica GarciaSecretary, PED Co-Chair Vi FlorezSecretary, HED Co- Chair Dorian DodsonSecretary, CYFD Ken OrtizSecretary, DWS Marlin MackeySecretary, DoIT Alfredo VigilSecretary, DOH Katie FallsSecretary, HSD Fred MondragonSecretary, EDD Peter WinogradOffice of the Governor Beata ThorstensenDFA/OEA Linda PaulSuperintendent, Aztec Mike GottliebSuperintendent, Roswell Karen CouchSuperintendent, Moriarity - Edgewood James FriesPresident, NMHU Carol SpenserPresident, San Juan CC Cedric PageDirector, UNM, Los Alamos Data Warehouse Council

6 6 Planned Initiation Phase Accomplishments  Phase Deliverables:  Verify scope requirements.  Coordinate needs with existing agency systems  Begin research on reporting requirements  Verify budget and ensured funding  Begin to assign responsibilities to agencies.  Address issues related to project allocation  Agree high-level cross-agency budget & schedule  Complete PMP and other management plans  Initiate IV&V discussions with potential vendors

7 Project Timeline

8 8 Project Governance / Vision

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