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Installer Certification 20.5.14 NMAC The effective date for certified installer requirements for performing UST system installations or repairs in New.

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Presentation on theme: "Installer Certification 20.5.14 NMAC The effective date for certified installer requirements for performing UST system installations or repairs in New."— Presentation transcript:

1 Installer Certification 20.5.14 NMAC The effective date for certified installer requirements for performing UST system installations or repairs in New Mexico was September 16, 1989. The effective date for certified installers to perform AST system installations or repairs in New Mexico will be August 15, 2004 which is one year from the effective date of the revised regulations..

2 Installer Certification A certified installer is certified by the department to install and repair AST and UST systems. Exercises supervisory control of the certified work; Is physically present on-site at the critical junctures in the installation, modification or repair; - A “repair” activity involving disconnecting or affecting the integrity of the piping, tank or overfill systems,or work on a line or tank leak detection system, then the repair is not normal maintenance and requires a certified tank installer unless excepted in Sections 1401 and 1402..

3 Installer Certification Exceptions to repair requirement for a certified installer Internal lining of a tank; Installation or repair of cathodic protection systems; Other installation or repair approved in advance in writing by the department as an exception; An applicant taking the on-site examination, Section 1406; Normal maintenance; Work on line or tank leak detection systems by technicians approved by the department in advance if the technicians are trained by the manufacturer..

4 Requirements for both AST and UST installers One level of certification; Application fee of $50; 1 year of work experience within the preceding 3 years in installation or repair for which the application is being made; Pass a written examination administered by an approved certification educator, International Code Council (ICC). Separate exams for AST and UST certifications; Pass separate on-site examinations for AST and UST installer certification. AST and UST Installer Certification

5 UST and AST Installer Certification ICC has separate exams for UST and AST installer certification : National examinations for UST and AST Installers are designed to determine installer’s knowledge of industry standards and codes; National examination fee is $75; Installers can take the examination in Albuquerque, NM and El Paso, TX on demand; ICC certification program is currently recognized in Arizona, Alaska, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, Indiana and New Hampshire; Certified installer certification would also include an examination that covers UST and AST regulations (separate exams); New Mexico examination fee will be an additional $45.

6 UST and AST Installer Certification Allow an applicant to request an on-site examination within 180 days of submission of the application and another 180 days extension (Section 1406); If the applicant does not pass the exam with in the 180 day + 180 day extension, the applicant will need to file a new application; Eliminated the 15 hours of continuing education requirement in Section 1408 for renewal application.

7 Renewal of Certification Same requirements for both AST and UST Certification (Section 1408) $50 Renewal fee. Demonstrate completion of 2 system installations, modification or repair during a 4 year period. OR Pass an ICC or alternative test.

8 Installers Duties and Obligations Section 1409 A certified individual shall exercise supervisory control over any installation or repair undertaken and must be physically present at all critical junctures; A certified installer shall have knowledge of materials, technical requirements and installation or repair procedures for any storage tank system the installer undertakes to install or repair; A certified installer shall not certify to an owner or operator of a storage tank system that an installation or repair is complete unless the installation or repair complies with the storage tank regulations and the Hazardous Waste Act;

9 Certified installers have a duty to report to the department any and all releases; Certified installers shall not perform any installation, modification, repair or removal without providing notice. Installers Duties and Obligations Section 1409

10 Enforcement & Department Actions Section 1410 Regulations provide for the revoking of an installer certification for the appropriate reasons; Proposed regulations shall serve the applicant or certificate holder a written notice of contemplated action as required by the Uniform Licensing Act, when the department contemplates denying an application or revoking a certificate; The certificate holder may not apply for a minimum of 2 years for certification for the type of installer certification revoked.

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