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High voltage charger solution

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Presentation on theme: "High voltage charger solution"— Presentation transcript:

1 High voltage charger solution
Li, Wang: MGambrill, Michael: Liang, Roger:

2 Abstract A typical bq24610 Application
A high voltage charger block diagram Test results More higher input voltage solution SMBus high voltage charger solution

3 A typical bq24610 Application

4 A Typical standalone charger application circuit
Q1 Power Source Selector Q2 RAC: 10m SYSTEM LOAD Adapter R16 2Ω C2 10µF C3 10µF 10 C11 0.1µF C1 2.2µF ACN ACP ACDRV VREF CE ISET1 ISET2 ACSET TS TTC STAT1 STAT2 PG VCC bq24610 BATDRV REGN BTST HIDRV PH LODRV GND SRP SRN VFB C7 0.1uF Q3 C12 1µF R9 9.31kΩ R3 100kΩ R5 100kΩ R7 100kΩ C5:1µF C4 10uF Pack Thermistor Q4 RSR 10m L: 6.8µH Battery Pack R10 430kΩ R4 95.3kΩ R6 22.1kΩ R8 57.6kΩ C17 0.22µF Q5 C8 10µF C7 10µF Adapter C9 100pF R11:10kΩ R1 953kΩ C10 0.1µF R12:10kΩ R2 105kΩ R13:10kΩ bq24610: 600kHz, Li-Ion 4x4mm QFN-24 Typical 1-6 Li-Ion Cells, VIN max: 28V

5 Optional section divider or presentation title slide
High voltage charger block diagram 5

6 8-cell Li-ion battery charger
Basic requirements: Output: if 4.2V/cell battery, the output voltage setting needs 4.2Vx8=33.6V. Input: Vin > 33.6V+few volt hysteresis A typical bq24610/30 application circuit can not accept the input voltage higher than 32V (Input OVP setting).

7 Modified Charger Block Diagram
The charger circuit have to do several modifications. The block diagram of HPA603 EVM: DC Input Vcc Bias Supply TPS54060 8~14V Vcc 35~57V ACN ACP BATDRV REGN BTST HIDRV PH LODRV GND SRP SRN VFB VCC Pre-charge Deeply discharged Battery ACDRV CE BTST setting CE VREF ISET1 ISET2 ACSET TS TTC STAT1 STAT2 PG Vcc Q1 Pack Thermistor Half Bridge Gate Drive UCC27201 L Rsns Battery Pack Q2 Current Sense INA169 C Vcc Buffer LM358 VREF Rs 2~3V Clamp bq24610/30

8 VCC bias supply solution
Function block: Vcc Bias supply It powers the charger IC-bq24610/30, external half bridge gate driver, current sense circuit and OMAMP buffer. And it is also used for charging up a deeply discharged battery. A switching Vcc bias power supply needs: Operating from the maximum input voltage An 8-14 V output voltage: It is set by the external half bridge gate driver requirement At least 200mA: It is derived from the sum of the charging current for deeply discharged battery and the whole board current consumption. For 60V input, the TPS54060 is selected to meet these three requirements.

9 Half bridge gate drive solution
Modified Charger Block Diagram Half bridge gate drive solution Battery Pack BATDRV REGN BTST HIDRV PH LODRV GND SRP SRN VFB VREF ISET1 ISET2 ACSET TS TTC STAT1 STAT2 PG Q2 VCC Q1 DC Input Pack Thermistor Vcc Half Bridge Gate Drive UCC27201 Vcc Bias Supply TPS54060 bq24610/30 8~14V Vcc Current Sense INA169 2~3V Clamp Buffer LM358 Rsns L C Rs Pre-charge Deeply discharged Battery setting 35~57V ACN ACP ACDRV CE

10 Half bridge gate drive solution
Function block: Half Bridge Gate Drive It receives the charger IC HIDRV and LODRV signal and drive the buck FET Q5 and Q6. The half bridge gate drive needs: 20% input voltage margin Have two Complementary inputs to match HIDRV and LODRV output of bq24610. Input logic high threshold need lower than 3V match the voltage level of bq24610/30’s HIDRV and LODRV output. Reserve several resistors, caps and diode to adjust turn-on&off speed and dead time For 60V input, the UCC27201 is selected to meet these three requirements. bq24610 R13 D3 Vcc Cin HIDRV PH LODRV PGND HI VDD HB R25 HO Q1 C21 UCC 27201 UCC 27201 HS C22 LI VSS LO Q2 R26 R14 D4

11 Modified Charger Block Diagram
Current sense solution Battery Pack BATDRV REGN BTST HIDRV PH LODRV GND SRP SRN VFB VREF ISET1 ISET2 ACSET TS TTC STAT1 STAT2 PG Q2 VCC Q1 DC Input Pack Thermistor Vcc Half Bridge Gate Drive UCC27201 Vcc Bias Supply TPS54060 bq24610/30 8~14V Vcc Current Sense INA169 2~3V Clamp Buffer LM358 Rsns L C Rs Pre-charge Deeply discharged Battery setting 35~57V ACN ACP ACDRV CE

12 Current sense solution
Function block: Current sense It is a high voltage bus current sensor or a current mirror circuit. It needs Set 1:1 ratio between Rsns Voltage and Rs voltage. For battery voltage is upto 60V, the INA169 is selected to meet that requirement. Rsns Current sense 1k Rs (R6) 1k

13 Modified Charger Block Diagram
buffer solution Battery Pack BATDRV REGN BTST HIDRV PH LODRV GND SRP SRN VFB VREF ISET1 ISET2 ACSET TS TTC STAT1 STAT2 PG Q2 VCC Q1 DC Input Pack Thermistor Vcc Half Bridge Gate Drive UCC27201 Vcc Bias Supply TPS54060 bq24610/30 8~14V Vcc Current Sense INA169 2~3V Clamp Buffer LM358 Rsns L C Rs Pre-charge Deeply discharged Battery setting 35~57V ACN ACP ACDRV CE

14 Current sense buffer solution
Function block: Buffer The SRP/SRN pin of charge IC has few milliampere sink current. The current sense output may not have enough current capability. The buffer circuit needs: Keep the output voltage on SRP/SRN pin is same as Rs voltage Provides enough current (8mA) to drive SRP/SRN pin. The LM358 is selected to meet these two requirements. L Rsns U1 bq24610 Buffer U5:LM358 Current sense Rs (R6) SRP R3 SRN

15 Modified Charger Block Diagram
2~3V clamp circuit solution Battery Pack BATDRV REGN BTST HIDRV PH LODRV GND SRP SRN VFB VREF ISET1 ISET2 ACSET TS TTC STAT1 STAT2 PG Q2 VCC Q1 DC Input Pack Thermistor Vcc Half Bridge Gate Drive UCC27201 Vcc Bias Supply TPS54060 bq24610/30 8~14V Vcc Current Sense INA169 2~3V Clamp Buffer LM358 Rsns L C Rs Pre-charge Deeply discharged Battery setting 35~57V ACN ACP ACDRV CE

16 2~3V clamp circuit solution
Function block: 2~3v Clamp circuit If the SRP/SRN pin voltage is lower than 2V, the IC runs at a short protection mode. The low side MOSFET is held off at that mode. The clamp circuit needs: Voltage is between 2~3V. Can absorb the Rs current Can support SRN pin sink current (8mA) A simple 2~3V clamp circuit can be created from the bq24610’s 3.3V VREF. L Rsns Current sense Rs (R6) bq24610 SRN VREF R27 C30 VREF

17 Modified Charger Block Diagram
BTST setting DC Input Vcc Bias Supply TPS54060 8~14V Vcc 35~57V ACN ACP BATDRV REGN BTST HIDRV PH LODRV GND SRP SRN VFB VCC Pre-charge Deeply discharged Battery ACDRV CE BTST setting CE VREF ISET1 ISET2 ACSET TS TTC STAT1 STAT2 PG Vcc Q1 Pack Thermistor Half Bridge Gate Drive UCC27201 L Rsns Battery Pack Q2 Current Sense INA169 C Vcc Buffer LM358 VREF Rs 2~3V Clamp bq24610/30

18 BTST setting Function block: BTST setting
To isolate PH, HIDRV and BTST pin. The PH pin is connected to ground. BTST voltage needs: Higher than 3V to keep correct gate logic. Lower than 4V to keep LODRV send refresh pulse every switching cycle. External half bridge gate will use that LODRV refresh pulse to charge its bootstrap cap. A simply resistor divider from 6V REGN can set the BTST voltage easily. bq24610 R22 R21 C16 REGN BTST

19 Modified Charger Block Diagram
BTST setting DC Input Vcc Bias Supply TPS54060 8~14V Vcc 35~57V ACN ACP BATDRV REGN BTST HIDRV PH LODRV GND SRP SRN VFB VCC Pre-charge Deeply discharged Battery ACDRV CE BTST setting CE VREF ISET1 ISET2 ACSET TS TTC STAT1 STAT2 PG Vcc Q1 Pack Thermistor Half Bridge Gate Drive UCC27201 L Rsns Battery Pack Q2 Current Sense INA169 C Vcc Buffer LM358 VREF Rs 2~3V Clamp bq24610/30

20 Pre-condition deeply discharge battery solution
Function block: Pre-condition deeply discharge battery When battery voltage is deeply discharged lower than 3V, the current sense circuit can not work properly. The pre-condition circuit needs: The pre-condition current can bring a deeply discharged battery voltage higher than 3V. The pre-condition current is lower than bias supply output capability. A simply resistor (R46 and R47) and diode (D8) pre-charge path can pre-charge the battery voltage up to the 3V that is a minimum operating voltage range of the current sense circuit. A comparator compares the battery voltage with 3.3Vref. If the battery voltage is higher than 3.3V, the CE is pulled to high and charger is enabled. TPS54060 VCC bias supply D8 R31 R46 R47 VREF BAT R10 D7 CE LM2903

21 The calculation tool of L, C value and other parameters
The calculation tool of L, C value and other parameters can be found in Battery charge voltage setting Battery pre-charge/termination current setting Battery fast-charge current setting Iripple_Lout_Vripple LC output filter resonant frequency Fast charge timer TS resistor network

22 EVM and Application note information
The high voltage charge EVM (HPA603) and user’s guide (SLUU447) are available. Application notes (SLUA580) is released: A practical high voltage charger solution with existing bq24610 charger IC.

23 Test Results on HPA603 EVM 23

24 Test result on HPA603 EVM 1 ISET1 control IBAT 2 Switching waveforms
1.1 ISET1 vs IBAT waveform 1.2 ISET1 transient 1.3 ISET1 accuracy 2 Switching waveforms 3 Charger start-up or shut-down with CE control 4 Battery insertion and removal 5 soft start 6 efficiency

25 Modified Charger Block Diagram
The charger circuit have to do several modifications. The block diagram of HPA603 EVM: DC Input Vcc Bias Supply TPS54060 8~14V Vcc 35~57V ACN ACP BATDRV REGN BTST HIDRV PH LODRV GND SRP SRN VFB VCC Pre-charge Deeply discharged Battery ACDRV CE BTST setting CE VREF ISET1 ISET2 ACSET TS TTC STAT1 STAT2 PG Vcc Q1 Pack Thermistor Half Bridge Gate Drive UCC27201 L Rsns Battery Pack Q2 Current Sense INA169 C Vcc Buffer LM358 VREF Rs 2~3V Clamp bq24610/30

26 1.1 ISET1 vs IBAT waveform IBAT ISET1 IBAT are proportional to ISET1. The ratio follows the datasheet equation.

27 1.2 ISET1 transient 2 ISET1 from 1V to 2V (CCM) IBAT ISET1

28 1.3 ISET1 accuracy ISET1 vs Vsns 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0.5 1 1.5 2.5
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 ISET1 (V) Vsns error (%) Series1

29 2 Switching waveforms High side gate High side gate Switching node
Inductor current

30 3. Charger start-up or shut-down with CE control
VBAT CE Switching node Inductor current

31 4 Battery removal and insertion
VBAT VIN Switching node Inductor current Ch1 (yellow): Vin Ch2 (blue): Vbat Ch3 (pink): PH 4 (green): IL

32 5 soft start VBAT VIN Switching node Inductor current
Ch1 (yellow): Vin; Ch2 (blue): Vbat; Ch3 (pink): PH; ch4 (green): IL

33 6 efficiency

34 More Higher input voltage charger: 100Vin_max and 16-cell

35 Higher input range solution
If need a even high voltage, for example: 16 cell battery charger with 80V input. Please update those components and circuits: Changer requirement Output Input bq24610EVM (HPA603EVM) 8-cell Li-ion battery 8x4.2=33.6V Maximum 60V input 80Vin/16cell Li-ion battery Charger 16-cell Li-ion battery 16x4.2=67.2V Maximum 100V input Change list: VCC bias supply Current sense circuit R23 (Vbat setting) L1 value (Keep ΔI constant) Power FET bq24610EVM (HPA603EVM) TPS54060 INA169 R23: 464k 22uH 80V FET Si7852 80Vin/16cell Li-ion battery Charger Any 100V input; bias supply Current mirror: ZDS1009 953k 47uH 100V FET SiR846

36 SMBus High voltage charger solution

37 SMBus High Voltage Charger Solution
DC Input Vcc Bias Supply TPS54060 8~14V Vcc CSSN CSSP DCIN Pre-charge Deeply discharged Battery ACIN VDDSMB BTST setting VREF CE ACOK PVCC BOOT UGATE PHASE LGATE SMBUS Vcc Q4 SCL SDA Half Bridge Gate Drive UCC27201 L VICM Rsns Battery Pack Q5 ICOUT ICREF Current Sense INA169 C R9 7.5k GND CSOP CSON Buffer LM358 C p EAO EAI FBO C23 51p VREF Rs 2~3V Clamp R10 20k C22 130p VFB R k bq24747 1MΩ

38 Thank you Questions

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