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Mi niñez
Project description You will construct a book (scrapbook or PowerPoint or Prezi) of a title/cover page, and 10 principle pages/slides about what your childhood (12 years old and younger) was like. Each page must have at least 4 sentences. All text must be in Spanish. You may not use a translator. Using a translator will be considered cheating and may result in a failure for part or the entire project. Each page shall contain a personal photograph of you as a child. For a PowerPoint transitions, animations and clip art or for Scrapbooks drawings and stickers and professional binding should be used to enhance the presentation. The text of the book or PowerPoint will make use of the past tense: the preterite and the imperfect. The imperfect tense should be used to describe and the preterite may be used for specific actions that occurred only once. Several days of class time will be given to work on this project including some computer days. There will be frequent check-ins to make sure students are keeping up with the work load. PowerPoint presentations should be turned in to the teacher’s Inbox on the shared server or by CD, while scrapbooks may be turned in directly to the teacher. It will be presented orally to the class. The oral presentation, which is a separate communication grade, will be over only 5 slides. It will be presented after the due date of the project as to receive feedback. Tentative due date for Mi niñez (my childhood) is May 15th.
Ideas Helpful words Possible slide titles Familia Viajes (trips)
Hermanos/as Mascotas (pets) Cumpleaños Deportes Mis casas/ mi casa El parque Los veranos Mi barrio y mis vecinos Mi mejor amigo/a Las montañas Boda Bailes Escuela Una matriculación (graduation) Navidad Di’as festivos Juegos/ partidos Helpful words Nacer- to be born Mudarse- to move Montar en caballo- horseback ride competitivo- competitve hacerse daño- To hurt/ injure (yourself) Divertirse (ei)-to have fun Hubo un accidente- there was an accident Chocar- to crash Morirse- to die/ pass away Columpios- swings Toboga’n- slide Ideas
A editar MI NIÑEZ Nombre de la persona quien hizo el proyecto:___________________ Corregido por:____________ All 10 slides are complete with 4 sentences of 8 words of more per sentence Sí No If not, what does he/ she need to add?____________________________ Uses of preterite fui IIIIII (fue) Rompí Manejamos Total DIFFERENT words used correctly- Uses of imperfect Era IIIII (eran) hacía I Montábamos Jugaba IIII Infinitives hacer jugar II Total used correctly- New word columpios campeonato Ten or less? Si? No?
Set language to Spanish Go to review language Set proofing language Select any spanish option
Typing in Spanish To make an accent on vowels: To put a tilde on “n”s
CTRL + ‘ and the letter To put a tilde on “n”s SHFT + CTRL + ~ , n If these short keys do not work… Click insert on the upper bar, then all the way to the right click symbol. Find the font you will type in Find the symbol “ñ” and you can assign a short key to it Assign CTRL+ ~ , n
Project rubric
Project checklist
To turn in your project To turn in your project: Digitally:
Hard copies: Purple project rubric Pink peer edit rubric Green rough draft Yellow brain storm Digitally: Make a folder called your last name (Bergstrom) in S:Drive Inbox Mi ninez FINAL In the folder save: Edited word document FINISHED PROJECT OJO- hay un documento en el sitio “swift” que puede ayudar. Se llama “Mi ninez- Project info
Oral rubric Vocabulary and Content (10 pts) Grammar (5 pts)
Vocabulary and Content (10 pts) Grammar (5 pts) Pronunciation and fluency (5 pts) A Uses a wide variety of non-repetitive vocabulary appropriate to the content focus and the level of Spanish. Consistently uses correct sentence structure with complex sentences. Verb tenses and conjugations are used correctly to communicate intended meaning. Simulates native pronunciation by correctly pronouncing vowels, h, ll, ñ, and rr. Only speaks in Spanish. Speaks smoothly minimal pauses or false starts. B Uses vocabulary appropriate to the content focus and the level of Spanish. Generally uses correct sentence structure with simple sentences. Verb tenses and conjugations are mostly used correctly to communicate intended meaning. Simulate native pronunciation by correctly pronouncing vowels, h, ll, ñ, and rr. Few pauses or false starts to correct mistakes. C Uses minimal/repetitive vocabulary appropriate to the content focus and the level of Spanish. Incomplete sentences or errors in sentence structure cause confusion of meaning. Verb tenses and conjugations are used incorrectly but do not confuse communication. Pronunciation is understandable but with a strong accent. May use occasional English filler words. Pauses or occasional false starts before answering. D Uses limited vocabulary that may be unrelated to the content focus and the level of Spanish. At times incorrect use of vocabulary confuses communication. Errors in sentence structure cause significant confusion of meaning. Verbs are used in the infinitive or incorrectly and occasionally confuse communication. Has mumbled pronunciation or is hard to hear. Frequent pauses and false starts but does get the point across. F Uses mostly English with invented Spanglish words or use of Spanish is incomprehensible. Uses mostly lists with no real sentences. Errors make the meaning incomprehensible. Spanish is not understandable or speaks mostly in English. Many long pauses and false starts. COMMENTS:
Common errors Correct tense! Spelling- double check!!! Conjugation!!
Todos los veranos yo fui should be iba because it is a Repeated/ habitual action Una vez, hacía toda mi tarea en dos segundos should be hice because it is a one time event. Spelling- double check!!! Yo bia iba Tarviesa traviesa Conjugation!! Yo siempre ir de compras ir should be conjugated to iba Nosotros fui should say nosotros fuimos No accents… Adjective Agreement/ placement (masculine/ feminine and singular/ plural) El verano pasada el verano pasado Era una bonita chica Era una chica bonita Mis hermanos son alto Mis hermanos son altos
Mi familia En mi familia, hay dos padres y tres hijas. Tengo dos hermanas menores. Se llaman Holleigh y Amanda. Yo tenía 2 años cuando Holleigh nació en Eugene, Oregon. Mi hermanita nació el 17 de septiembre y ella se llama Amanda. Tenemos una familia muy unida.
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