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Belarus Red Cross Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings in the Republic of Belarus.

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1 Belarus Red Cross Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings in the Republic of Belarus.

2 Overview. Overview.  During the reporting period, in close cooperation and with financial support of IOM, 5 centres “Hands of Help” have been opened in Belarus. These centres are located in the premises of BRC regional branches. A coordination board is set up in each centre and comprises, along with BRC staff, representatives of local authorities, health and educational institutions, MIA. The work is focused on two main components: prevention of THB and provision of reintegration assistance to the VOT.

3 Prevention ► - 451 lectures delivered ( with volunteers’ assistance) covering 21 142 people, context of all lectures have been agreed with project coordinators and IOM personnel ► - in Vitebsk, Gomel and Brest oblasts 4 regional thematic competitions of youth works on “Youth against trafficking in human beings” have been held ( posters, pictures). Purpose: to raise awareness of youth on existing problem. Purpose: to raise awareness of youth on existing problem. ► - in all oblasts information leaflets and brochures on Red Cross assistance have been printed. The purpose was to notify general public about Red Cross as an organisation, able to provide assistances to the VOT. ► - 6 workshops in each oblasts (one in each oblast) for staff of BRCS regional branches have been organized. It was revealed, that many people working in remote areas are not aware of the problem, because in small towns VOT are afraid to become known. Workshops facilitated to raise awareness of the problem, and besides that, to identify main methods of work. ► - each employee, involved in project implementation, participated in educational workshops, organized by IOM, experience exchange visits; ► - at the regional level, close cooperation links with state and non-governmental organisations working in the area of counter-trafficking have been established. BRCS staff takes part in the meetings of these org-s, reports on progress in BRCS work, shares experience. ► - letters to European Red Cross National Societies have been sent. The NSs provided contact details of their organisations, so that VOT can refer to them for assistance. And also, NSs can inform BRCS about VOT from Belarus. Thanks to this, cooperation with some European RC NSs has been initiated. ► -each centre “Hands of Help” is equipped with PC, copy machine, fax machine and telephone, provided by IOM. This significantly facilitates the exchange of information. ► -staff of consulting centres regularly prepare articles for mass media, in Mogilev region a specialised TV programme is aired.

4 Drawing Competition

5 Assistance in Reintegration  108 VOT are identified, for most of them an individual assistance programme is developed: medical examination, training courses, employment assistance, material assistance (reintegration grant), emergency assistance in case of unforeseen difficult situations, psychological, psychotherapeutic and legal assistance, referral of VOT to specialised crisis centres, social consulting.  Starting September 2005, with the support from the Swedish Red Cross centres “Hands of Help” have been strengthened by legal advisers and psychologists. This will facilitate and improve the quality of work with VOT.  This work is based on voluntarily decision of VOT to cooperate with MIA, BRCS, health institutions and etc. and confidentiality.

6 It is planned ….  To expand project activities by production of information materials for various target groups (BRCS staff, risk groups, schoolchildren), introduction of new forms of preventive work (based on art therapy) contribution to an increase of self-esteem and self-consciousness of youth, organizing experience exchange meetings with European RC NSs, involvement of tracing department of BRCS.

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