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ALLIANCE PROGRESS Mary Carter, Jan King & Heather Petch, Pullens Group.

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Presentation on theme: "ALLIANCE PROGRESS Mary Carter, Jan King & Heather Petch, Pullens Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALLIANCE PROGRESS Mary Carter, Jan King & Heather Petch, Pullens Group

2 ORIGINS OF ALLIANCE Need to do more to stop the range of negative outcomes facing vulnerable women and girls by:  Building a broad based alliance to drive, expand AND widen the legacy of the Corston Initiative  Developing and refining a theory of change to underpin the work, set goals and measure success  Involving women and girls as experts with experience  Establishing a Transitional Steering Group to steer first steps

3 ALLIANCE BUILDING Build a business case to secure financial backing incl:  Governance model and structure  Strategy, outcomes & measures of success  Proposed identify and communications plan  Map existing policy, activity & key players  Refine the Theory of Change  Facilitate the development of the alliance

4 APPROACH & TIMELINE  Set up – Feb/March  Consultation – Mar/April  Taking Stock – April/May  Options appraisal – May/June  Agreement for plan – June/July

5 SET UP & CONSULTATION  Underpinning set of values  Formulation of Terms of Reference to ensure clarity of roles, responsibilities, decision making processes and accountabilities  Interviews with the each member of Transitional Steering Group (TSG)  Interviews with broader group of people in the field including groups of women and girls with experience  Mapping the landscape/liaison with Evidence Review team  Exploring learning from other alliances (including in other fields)  Taking Stock report discussed by Transitional Steering Group (7th May)

6 VALUES  Putting women with lived experience at the centre of our work  Grounded in evidence  Being brave, bold and challenging  Creating energy, taking action, staying focused  Working together and with others – listening, respectful, allowing for difference and disagreement, pursuing a shared language  Transformational – bringing about system change  Tackling structural inequality

7 CONSULTATION FEEDBACK  Little disagreement with the broad ambition  Some concerns e.g. moving too far away from a focus on women in the criminal justice system  Language of Theory of Change not accessible and needs wider scrutiny  No appetite for a new organisation  No clear agenda yet

8 BROAD AMBITION A need for:  Structural & system changes arising from a gendered approach  Gender impact assessments of policy and practice & acting on these  Proving the economic impacts of a gendered approach  Demonstration projects & evaluated examples to provide worth of alternatives  Capturing hearts and minds

9 EXPERTS BY EXPERIENCE  Women & girls who are experts by experience must have a voice in the alliance’s work  Broad agreement that strategy should be to work with groups that are already in place with their own structures & safeguards  Agreeing how this will be done needs further development  Absolute consensus that whatever model(s) is adopted should be meaningful and not tokenistic

10 KEY MESSAGES Initial thoughts on key messages:  This work benefits all – children, communities and society  There is a powerful economic argument for a gendered approach  There is a moral imperative to this work  All policies need to have an equality impact assessment  Alliance a thought influencer – making gendered approaches routine  Caution on gender divides – no diminishing of men & boys to even up the role of women and girls

11  Establish an alliance with clarity about roles, responsibilities, accountabilities etc but not a formal constitution &/or a separate org.  Appoint an independent chair  Appoint a skills based & representative steering group (geographically, sectors etc) of 12- 15 people  Appoint a director for a 3 yr period  Seek a host organisation using a set of agreed criteria  Developing the business case for initial core funding for one 3 yr post, plus some support and project costs  First task of alliance to develop a manifesto. TAKING STOCK RECCOMMENDATIONS.


13 CONSULT WIDER GROUP ON NEXT STEPS Consultation event 21 st May 2014

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