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Widening Participation Angela Milln & Zoë Pither.

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Presentation on theme: "Widening Participation Angela Milln & Zoë Pither."— Presentation transcript:

1 Widening Participation Angela Milln & Zoë Pither

2 Why Widening Participation? A moral issue Current student population ‘unrepresentative’

3 Why Widening Participation? A moral issue Current student population unrepresentative. Longstanding commitment to attracting the best students, whatever their background (1 st WP strategy 1999). A political/regulatory issue Government requirement for HEIs wishing to charge tuition fees above £6k p.a.

4 2012/13 Access Agreement Requires us to: Specify the proportion of ‘additional’ fee income to be reinvested in student financial support and outreach activity (approx £35%). Make specific commitments in terms of outreach. Set targets against which progress in widening participation will be assessed.

5 Aims of Outreach Impartial information and advice Raising awareness Raising aspirations Contributing to attainment Breaking down misconceptions Developing relationships

6 Perceptions of University Life Breaking down barriers Personal experience Supportive role models Stereotypes Activity: A day in the life of…

7 Access to Bristol Pathways to Law Curriculum enrichment 320 students 15 subject streams Building relationships

8 Realising Opportunities Pilot project Partnership of 13 research intensive universities Higher education experience Student mentor Study skills Academic rigor

9 Summer School Sutton Trust 160 Year 12 students 6 subject streams Residential experience Academic sessions Higher education information & experience

10 Work with Schools & Colleges Precinct visits Workshops & talks Student role models HE Advisers Day Contact with local authorities Student funding information UCAS applications

11 Mature Students Different needs & experiences Mature Students Adviser Individual advice and liaison Information Sessions Mature Students Welcome Study Skills

12 Outreach Plans 2012/13 and beyond Increased emphasis on outreach & retention in Access Agreement will necessitate: Review of structures supporting delivery Expansion of some existing activities New approaches to collaboration (Exeter, Bath?) New initiatives – e.g. IntoUniversity?; Review of transitional support?; new pathways/progression routes

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