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What happens next? Jan 2013 Winterbourne View. DH review DH review drew on: Criminal investigation, 11 prosecutions sentenced CQC inspection of all Castlebeck.

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Presentation on theme: "What happens next? Jan 2013 Winterbourne View. DH review DH review drew on: Criminal investigation, 11 prosecutions sentenced CQC inspection of all Castlebeck."— Presentation transcript:

1 What happens next? Jan 2013 Winterbourne View

2 DH review DH review drew on: Criminal investigation, 11 prosecutions sentenced CQC inspection of all Castlebeck Care services & 150 learning disability hospitals & homes NHS South of England reviews of SUI & commissioning of places at WV

3 Independent Serious Case Review commissioning by South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adults Board Experience & views of people with ld or autism and mental health conditions or behaviours described as challenging, their families and carers, care staff, commissioners and care providers

4 Winterbourne View The abuse at WV was criminal Staff routinely mistreated and abused people with learning disability WV revealed significant weakness in system to hold leaders of organisations to account

5 Key failings Gap in the regulatory framework CQC inspections of 150 hospitals & care homes found many people there who don’t need to be there and stay there for too long Significant failure in service design, commissioning and provision Failure to assess quality of care or outcomes of very high cost places

6 For some people the best hospital care will not be appropriate, people shouldn’t live in hospital

7 Concordat – the headlines Concordat actions are expected to lead to rapid reduction in hospital placements by 1 June 2014. People’s dignity and rights through a commitment to the development of personalised, local, high quality services will be safeguarded. Alongside this the closure of large-scale inpatient services & improved safeguarding arrangements

8 Concordat - the detail Develop by 1 April 2013 & maintain local registers of all people placed in NHS funded care setting out clearly which CCG & LA is responsible for them Review by 31 May 2013 the care of all people in learning disability or autism inpatient beds. Based on review develop comprehensive personal care plan based on the individual and families needs & agreed outcomes

9 Bring back into community based settings as soon as possible and no later than 31 May 2014 everyone inappropriately placed in hospital Commission independent advocacy support to support moving on Evidence based strategic plans for 2014/15 to commission the range of local health & care support services needed

10 Health & social care commissioners commission against clearly defined standards of quality, safety & openness in contracts with all providers to drive up quality Drive up clinical leadership & practice within NHS/independent providers

11 How it will be achieved National Commissioning Board responsibility through a ‘Learning Disability Joint Improvement Programme’ NCB Steering Group’s responsibility to deliver concordat with focus on joint health & social care commissioning Regional commissioning board will link with Area Teams to deliver locally. CCGs & LA responsible for individuals

12 Core Service Specification Multi agency national steering group leading work Regional events Summarised/analysed existing service specifications (157) Summarised/analysed learning disability CQUINs (27) Schedule of visits arranged Specification document being developed

13 Core service specification will include areas that should be included into any format, NHS or LA Positive Behavioural Support will likely be key feature of service specification Will be signed off by 31 March 2013 for implementation

14 NE Advocacy Project Scoping with all PCT Commissioners across the North East Initial Scoping with LA Commissioners - patchy Advocacy Providers - want change Action for Advocacy – define good advocacy

15 NE Headlines Bigger picture – commissioning intentions Develop / explore approaches to advocacy – range outside of statutory advocacy Cohesion / strategic picture and influence Standards of providers – people coming into the area General perception of advocacy Not good enough – need to raise the standard Little (of any) investment in informal advocacy including in families

16 Real NE example Young women admitted for treatment and assessment – indefinite time plan Family – don’t understand, feel disempowered and need help Advocate struggled to get onto the Ward, to see the day to day practices Little clarity of pathway to discharge and having a life Commissioners – not always clear on the quality of this service We don’t want this in the North East

17 Statutory advocacy General case advocacy User Involvement Family Voice Citizen Advocacy Peer Advocacy Self advocacy Funding is focused Little investment

18 Self Advocacy Peer Advocacy Citizen Advocacy Family Voice User Involvemen t G eneral advocacy Statutory Focus our Attention Funding continues Advocacy is everyone’s responsibility

19 Do it and prove it! Develop and define what good self advocacy looks like in specialist services (people must be heard) Develop and define what a good family empowerment program would look like (families need to be empowered) Share the Tees Commissioning Advocacy Framework is in a written report (an approach for good commissioning) Develop a Critical Friend approach with direct workers (we all have an advocacy role) Define good Advocacy in Specialist Services the North East (we must have good proactive advocacy)

20 Any questions?

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