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E-tutoring Module 6 e-skills for e-learning. e-Communication Tools Asynchronous Tools –Time-independent –Email, Discussion/Bulletin Boards, wikis, blogs.

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Presentation on theme: "E-tutoring Module 6 e-skills for e-learning. e-Communication Tools Asynchronous Tools –Time-independent –Email, Discussion/Bulletin Boards, wikis, blogs."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-tutoring Module 6 e-skills for e-learning

2 e-Communication Tools Asynchronous Tools –Time-independent –Email, Discussion/Bulletin Boards, wikis, blogs Synchronous Tools –Real-time –Chat, videoconferencing, web-conferencing

3 Asynchronous Email – can be sent quickly to groups of students and/or instructors Wikis – a web page which can be modified - good for group collaboration - e.g. wikipedia (online encyclopedia) wikipedia Blogs (Web log) – online chronological collection of personal commentary & links

4 Asynchronous (cont.) Bulletin/Discussion Boards –Allow students to post and read messages outwith class time – chance to think before posting and reflect on thoughts before sharing –Useful as support tool for group work –Archiving facility – can keep a record of what’s said – assessment possibilities

5 Synchronous Chat –Used to debate /discuss aspects of a course –Less formal than classroom environment –Guest speakers could participate –Needs to be well organised – everyone needs to be online at the same time –Tutor will need e-moderating skills –Easy to loose thread of discussion if more than 4 or 5 people participate

6 Tutor as e-moderator Tutors will need to monitor student activities and turn tools off if necessary Facilitate discussion - encourage and support student use of tools Need to organise/set up discussions and be aware of technical support procedures

7 Learning online: The Five-Stage Model (Salmon, 2000)

8 E-moderator skills Keyboard skills Communication/discussion skills Time Management skills Interactive and collaborative skills Negotiate ground rules Encourage social interaction Beware of overload

9 References Educause (July 2005) 7 things you should know about…wikis - accessed 17/01/06 Educause (August 2005) 7 things you should know about…blogs - accessed 17/01/06 Netskills: Effective Learning with VLEs Gajadhar j & Green J (2005) The Importance of Nonverbal Elements in Online Chat, Educause Quarerly No. 4 2005 - accessed 17/01/06 Suleman s (2003) Use of communications Tools within VLEs– accessed 17/01/06 Salmon, G (2000) Emoderating: The Key to teaching and learning online, London:Kogan-Page

10 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License

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